How do I possess a flycam in the game?

after getting it to work with a pawn i noticed its not easy to get it moving and is stationary.
but if you want your flycam to move do it in a player character because some odd reason i couldn’t get the Pawn to move…

Rightclick your thirdperson character make a second copy of him go in set the character mesh to none add your char variable and set to thirdperson class then do this code in your copy of him

and in the original thirdperson put this code

im guessing using the controller is broken in moving a pawn in 4.15… dont know why it wont accept the movement but here is how to do it in 2 thirdperson chars.

ok so here i show you that using 2 player characters allows movment easier than using pawn. since it may be a >>>>>>>>bug<<<<<<< that my pawn is not getting any input from my controller i just decided to do it this way.

Engine upgrade Issues? that’s why i was afraid to upgrade to 4.15 or I would risk losing all the hard work i’ve built up in the engine so far on my game in 14.4 and break all the blueprints because of all these changes the engine is going through… Maybe its the mesh, its it set to is movable in
the pawn blueprint? Because it works in the char blueprint to move it.

If the pawn aint getting any input from your controller, Try the Blueprint Interface.

seems so because its working in 4.16 lol. I’m guessing either updating corrupted my install of 4.15 when it went to 4.15.3 i guess ill make a bug post after trying to REINSTALL 4.15…

did you get it working using 2 third person characters?

it is reinstalling now. well there goes my night… 4am. well i guess ill sleep and try again tomorrow after it fixes the bad install… /cry

I think the array in the third person blueprint maybe corrupt.

I am unable to resolve that pin error in the third person char blueprint between the Get Node and the Possess node because I don’t know what variable in what blueprint is causing the pin to
remain broke which is preventing me from linking up the two nodes together.

This is Not a good thing, I need this pin error to be resolved and I need to know
what variable is generating this kind of error and how to correct it otherwise I am
stuck forever in flycam mode and can’t return back to third person mode.

can anyone help me find what’s causing this error?

My variables are set as follows.

Inside the Third Person Blueprint:

Flyarro - set to Zecam (object type.)
Flycams - set to Zecam (object type)

Inside the Flycam’s Blueprint (Zecam)

Flyarro - set to Zecam object type
Char - set to Third Person Class

if its not these variables the error is in

Then The Get Actors of Class Node is the only thing left I can think of
that maybe causing the issue.

If your project has become broken or corrupted from the update (which is more serious than just an annoying pin compatability error in my third person blueprint) then you have a couple of options. There should be an auto save so you should beable to load the project back in from one of the auto saves.

hey i found this [Unreal Engine 4.7+] Hover Vehicle Blueprint Tutorial - YouTube adding movement to a PAWN actor :slight_smile:

i reinstalled and all is working. and i was doing the movement stuff wrong but the tutorial i linked shows how u can make it move etc.

I already got the Flycam moving around with wasd in the map. I can move it around no problem.

Movement is not the issue. I got movement. The Issue is this, Listen carefully.

I can get into the flycam mode and move the flycam all around., BUT ONCE I"M IN THAT MODE
I CANNOT EXIT BACK OUT. And the reason why i cannot exit is because of the pin error in the
Third Person Character Blueprint is preventing me from being able to switch back modes.

That Pin on the get node that I couldn’t link up has an ACTOR pin on it, its trying to link
with the Posess node that has a PAWN type pin on it.

The two just won’t link up, so I can’t switch the pawn back to normal as a result. So once I get
into flycam mode, I’m stuck forever in the flycam it until this pin error
with the possess node is resolved.

What I want to know is

A) How this pin error had occured,
B) Where the error is coming from
C) How to fix the pin so I can beable to link up the array into the possess pawn node

And then that problem will be solved, and its just 99 or so more issues left to resolve.

Good morning. Ill download and install 4.14… i know there is a workaround hope i can solve it today. i didnt stay up all night lastnight. saturdays i usually sleep all day and night lol.

If you want you can come on my discord server so we can chat instead of this 10 min wait between posts. I can help you a lot faster on there.

WireLiteSoft Game Dev Discord Server

that sounds like a good idea.