Already set to “Translucency Ligting Mode” to TLM Surface, still no reflections of any kind. Could anyone from Epic please comment on this? Anybody on mac manage to have reflections? any improvement with 4.2?
Translucent materials don’t support reflections yet. Forward shading is still unsupported, but it’s on the roadmap.
You can plug in a fresnel node into your refraction slot for a noisy/distorted pane.
Still confused. In UE4 documentations (content examples/material nodes) you can see this image:
In this capture reflections are correctly working, while on mac, in the same example, there are no reflections.
So: is this issue really depending on forward shading? (and if yes, why in the screenshot there actually are reflections?)
Is this something that was initially working and that was subsequently disabled?
Or is this something working on windows and not working on mac due to opengl support?
Any update? Someone from epic could please clarify?
any ideas for create this effect? -
Sorry to bump such an old thread but has anyone got this effect to work?
After reading this I tried to reproduce what Nick has posted:
The left image is the result of the glass plate being defined as static, the right one as movable (I don’t know why, so if anyone could explain it to me, I would be very happy :D)
As Nick said I used vertex paint to change the opacity. Here is a screenshot of the painted alpha channel with the glass plate being scaled by 10 units in x direction so you can se it better:
The alpha values of the vertex paint are 0.2 (outer) and 0.4 (inner).
As you can probably see I didn’t use the standard wall from the starter content because it has only 8 vertices which makes it impossible to achieve this effect with vertex painting. So here’s a screenshot of the used mesh:
The edges are subdived 2 times (i.e. 4 faces) in x direction and a bit rounded because I think it makes it more realistic (the subdivisions in y and z directions are needless). And of course I’ve splitted the edges of the edges (ha ha), so the transition remains sharp and the vertex paint is not spread to the flat sides.
The material is the same extended standard glass material Nick has described. But very important, I’ve changed the color from the standard black(-ish color?) to RGBA = ( .069 | .46 | .312 | 1.0 ), which makes this desired blue-ish green edge and glass tint.
P.S.: You could of course use a texture instead of the vertex paint.
Awesome, thanks Benergy!
I’m new to vertext paining so excuse the ignorance, but I am still unclear as how you kept the sharp transition. I’ve set mine up just like yours but I’m getting pretty bad bleeding.
This has unfortunately nothing to do with the vertex painting itself. Instead it depends on the mesh. You need to split the edges where you want the sharp transitions, i.e. duplicating the edge-vertices so that each connected face-group has its own edges. I ‘exploded’ the mesh so you can see what I mean:
In Blender you can achieve this with an Edge Split modifier.
In the Unreal editor try to turn the view in such way that only the edge is visible. For example in the screenshot of the vertex paint I posted before I painted the right edge in this view. This way the right flat side doesn’t get painted. And in this particular case it helped me to scale the mesh like I’ve shown to widen it.
Excellent! Got it all sorted now. Thanks again, I really appreciated you taking the time to explain it so clearly.
Thanks for your time, always cool to have this kind of tips, well done