How can I fix this infinite loop?

Here’s a quick mock up:

Image from Gyazo

Adding those (H)ISM to arrays is a not a bad idea, as you may want to access that data later on.

Not to rain on your parade but doing this in blueprints is a suicide. It will never perform well. Blueprints are slow; so you either need to be super clever about how you build / present things to the player or scale everything down. Ideally both.

There are some voxel plugins on the marketplace that are written in C++ but expose functionality to blueprints. Perhaps investing in the core functionality is a good idea so you can focus on the gameplay development.

Thank you! That will be very useful. This is a bit of a different topic, but I cannot find the answer to another one of my questions anywhere. Do you know how to spawn something (such as a dungeon) on my world terrain and delete any block that collides with the dungeon’s spawn location? The dungeons go underground but my current problem is that my world terrain goes through the dungeon walls, blocking off the player from going down into the dungeon.

I tried doing terrain generation in VoxelPlugin Free, but I can’t figure out how to generate without one of their presets.

HISM is one way but not for your game! it has a very great benefit and a very bad property!
auto cluster is the benefit, so instances that are not in clusters you see will be hidden.
and HISM bad property is when your fps reaches below 10 and all of your instances will be hidden so it can be fatal for your game!

you must use HISM (for far blocks) + ISM (for near blocks) together to avoid problems

Do you know how to spawn something (such as a dungeon) on my world terrain and delete any block that collides with the dungeon’s spawn location? The dungeons go underground but my current problem is that my world terrain goes through the dungeon walls, blocking off the player from going down into the dungeon.

Essentially, I need a way to make the terrain form around my dungeons, not through them.

ask in another topic :smiley: I can’t find out what happened here.
To make a dungeon you first add instances then remove some of them but this method just works with HISM and if you use it with ISM you have a lot problems!

Here’s an example (scroll down to the green answer):

  • you can also create shapes have them removed overlapping instances
  • you can draw splines along the dungeon corridors, step through the spline and sphere-remove instances along the way

Look into how foliage works - it’s a very similar approach.

And yes, it can all be done using Construction Script and manual editing.