How can I disable InputAction except some Input Action In Enhanced Input?

in MappingContext1 DefaultMappingContext have all of your input actions assigned.
then in MappingContext2 OnlyWalkMappingContext only place the Move_InputAction

then in your trigger call a function that calls Remove Mapping Context(DefaultMappingContext) then Add Mapping Context(OnlyWalkMappingContext)
just remember to have some situation where you call a function to do the opposite

you can also make it so that the function to swap over Mapping Contexts takes an Enum then the Enum feeds a switch to then assign the Mapping context based on the Enum.

don’t worry about unassigned a mapping context that isn’t assigned it is safe to do so, but assigning a Mapping Context of none is also safe, just no input at all until it is reassigned (this might be desired)

forgot the part where I assign to the CurrentMappingContext the inMappingContext but that should be trivial for the demonstration.