How can I create custom pak files?

I made some progress.
I was able to generate chunks with the Mobile Packaging Wizard.

Had to create chunks ids. To assign Chunks IDs for an asset under asset actions the Allow ChunkID Assignments needs to be ticked. (Editor Preferences>Experimental>Allow ChunkID Assignments)

At the moment I try to use the mobile Patching utility nodes to install the content. Standing there is downloading works (if I test on PC the check download space will always be false since the “Get Disk Free Space” node is for mobile only (so I skip that))

Installing is not working currently (Error code: 1 | Error Text: Could not download patch data. Please try again later.)

Also, the APK is now a lot bigger (160mb) than it was before (50mb) so I have to look how I can reduce that
or how I can use both systems together).