How can I control 2 pawns with 1 controller?

Hey Grillet,

You need to make sure that second pawn you spawn has a Player Controller possessing it, or it will not respond to input using CharacterMovement component. Since you are attempting to use two pawns with same gamepad, you’ll need to give second pawn its own Controller; Player Controllers can only possess one pawn at a time. I was able to set this up by spawning a second Controller, then spawning second pawn, and possessing second pawn with second controller, like this:

I have this set in main Controller I’m using for first pawn rather than Level Blueprint, because it’s generally cleaner to avoid using Level Blueprint for things that do not pertain specifically to that level, but this should work in Level BP if that’s how you prefer to do it. Note that this is a very basic setup and can be elaborated on depending on your goals.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

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