How can I best use Rotation of FHitResult?


What you want is


This is the Vector representing the facing direction of the surface at the point of impact, in world space

to get this as a rotation:

const FRotator SurfaceRotation = Hit.ImpactNormal.Rotation();

Just know this is in world space and you can decide what qualifies as a sufficient angle for wall jumping

for example

if you wanted all walls to be at elast 70 degrees from the flat ground plan (almost totally vertical)

you would do

const FRotator SurfaceRotation = Hit.ImpactNormal.Rotation();
if(FMath::Abs(SurfaceRotation.Pitch) > 70)
  //yes this is a wall jump

to make sure you are getting the numbers you expect

make sure to LOG or output this value so you can see it exactly

const FRotator SurfaceRotation = Hit.ImpactNormal.Rotation();

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