How can i add buttons dynamically on my UMG Widget?

There are probably many ways to do this, but I’ll briefly explain what I’ve done:

  • Created a blueprint structure “InventoryEntry”, containing a item name field (string) and item count (int)
  • Created an InventoryItemButton widget. This is a simple widget: A button with a text block.
  • Added an InventoryEntry variable to widget.
  • Bound the text block’s text to a function “Get Text”, which basically concatenates the InventoryEntry’s name and count.
  • Created an InventoryList widget, which is just designed to hold a bunch of InventoryItemButton widgets in a vertical box
  • Created a function “AddButton”, which takes an InventoryEntry as a parameter. This creates an InventoryItemButton, and adds it as a child to the vertical box (note: the Vbox has to have “Is Varable” selected in the designer)
  • Finally, I’ve added an array of InventoryEntries to the InventoryList widget as a test. Then, on widget construction, I simply run a foreach loop over them and call AddButton

See attached blueprints for more detail (sorry for linked images, the answerhub upload was malfunctioning)