Houdini Engine Indie FREE.

What kinda software is this??? I’ve heard about houdini but i was under the impression its a tool for vfx in films.

Sorry about tittle. I didnt see.

Houdini Indie =Houdini Software
Houdini Engine Indie = Plugin for UE4 (Now free if qualify, before $99/year)

Yeah, thats it. Here another example of Hellblade using Maya for rain, fog, wind coverage and fire.

Im thinking in a new workflow: MAYA > HOUDINI > UE4.
By the way, we gain prodedural power if needed.

The question: ¿what is the type of file exporter we need? Alembic? fbx? otl?

We need something like this:

Thanks for the explanation Killing! Appreciate the video too!

I was pretty interested in getting Houdini Indie to be able to create assets for the Houdini Indie Engine for use in UE4 but I couldn’t buy it because I’ve only(?) got a debit card. It’s not often I run into companies that don’t want my money. :confused:

hi cyaoeu,

i had a similar issue.
get in touch with the support. they will get you sorted.

Really? Because support are the ones that told me they don’t accept debit cards of any kind. I’ll try again I guess.

i remember paying via wire transfer.

After contacting support again and asking for alternative payment methods they hooked me up with a wire transfer as well. Sweet!

do post some experiences here.

for those interested in a relatively quick intro to Houdini you can check out the Start Here section of the tutorials:

The Quick Start section has a bunch of subsections - Interface, Modeling etc, they are all pretty short, just a few minutes each - on the right hand side is a section for game specific vids, and a link to some free training from Gametutor

have fun!

I’m still waiting on the 4.11 houdini engine but a small update.

There’s a Blender-Houdini (and Modo) exchanger that allows you to easily export and import meshes between the applications. It can be found here: Exchangers · mifth/mifthtools Wiki · GitHub

I made a small edit to the shelf tool code, on line 31 I changed the line to “node = hou.hscript(“fbximport -u geo %s” % ex_path)”, that way the geometry nodes are unlocked so you can then make your edits in Blender, click export, then in Houdini click Reload geometry to reload the new mesh.

New version of Houdini v16.
New functions for landscapes, “erosion” similar to Worldmachine. (in the video 1h:45min)
and an example of use with UE4 ¿tiled? (in the video 1h:49min)
If anyone experienced it please comment here, thanks.