Hospital modular environment

Last updates

  1. I created separate projects for each version of the engine such as the unreal 4.9
    unreal 4.10, unreal 4.11 (submitted it for review)

  2. Removed from the project unnecessary files

  1. Fixed mirror sign “Lock” on the walls

  1. Fixed object Table_01

  1. Surgical_table - removed, replaced by surgical_dev_02

  1. Sci_wall_mod_05 object without lights in the ceiling, and sci_wall_mod_05_v2 with a lamp on the ceiling

Cant wait to see the new update! Thank you for fixing those error’s

Hi guys, thank you all for your feedbacks,
Updates for Modular Sci-Fi Hospital is now available in the marketplace, you can update this content)

And this is the Realaty! this pack is not Modular sorry. Only the Props a good.






Really wish i could afford this. Great job with these! :slight_smile:

Whats on the update?