Or maybe most people using the engine are busy using the engine, rather than answering questions for free …
As a member of the community, you are of course welcome to help assist the community on your own! Scan the topics, pick a question that you think you know the answer to, and/or can read the documentation about, and then help out with an answer.
You may find that doing this work will both increase your own understanding of the engine, and increase your skill in asking questions that others are able to answer.
Also, I looked for some of your questions to see whether there was something obvious about them.
For example, you got a reasonable answer to the first question in this thread:
Then you got an error message, and followed up with a second question, saying just “I"m getting this error message.”
This turns of answering people for two reasons:
- The first question was correctly answered. You should accept the answer. If you have another problem, ask a second question.
- The question you asked is “why do I get this error message?” when the answer is literally just “read the error message.”
Again: If you think the community doesn’t answer questions enough, you should, as part of the community, spend some time answering questions! It will help out both you and the community.