HiRes Screenshot with Mask Enabled is having green background

What will be the solution for it.

  1. Not able to name the screenshot
    2)Not able to save that in specific location

It really depends on if you are going to package for distribution. If so, I don’t think you can specify any old path.

The engine has a lot of quirks like this, the best thing is to work around them, otherwise you’ll never get there.

Have you tried packaging for distribution? Does it crash for you?

It is showing fatal error

Yup… welcome.

So, I can get it working with a console command, as in this doc

You can specify all the usual parameters. It works and gives you all sort of buffer output in the project, but I could only get it to do a single shot after packaging.

Before packaging, it puts the shots in the usual place, after packaging, it puts them in


I’m afraid it will be just a lot of tweaking from here, afraid I don’t have time right now.

You could also log the blueprint crash as a bug.

Sure I will give a try for it

This was fixed in UE5. Not sure if they’ll merge it back. The reason for that is ‘aspect ratio constrain’ checkbox on a camera, so you can disable it as workaround.

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