Hiding certain objects from being drawn on a camera or SceneCapture2D object

It would be ideal if you could make a world space box volume within the scene, that was a non render zone for the camera.
Is this a-tall possible? because for mirrors, you often only want to hide only parts of an object, not the whole thing… I.E the part part of terrain beneath a mirror like lake.

Is there a reason why HiddenComponents is a TArray instead of a TSet? It’d be simpler for deleting Components that must be rendered. And it’s already using “AddUnique” so it seems that it should have been a TSet.

class USceneCaptureComponent : public USceneComponent

	/** The components won't rendered by current component.*/
 	**TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<UPrimitiveComponent> > HiddenComponents;**

TSets weren’t supported by blueprints back then.

Hi XaVIeR,

Thanks for your reply.

Do you know what should I do in order to request this to be included in future releases?
