Helping creating an interactive assembling machine

Sorry for the delay. I had some IRL problems. Anyway, In order to set as children, I just drag the actor beneath the other in the world settings. But when I play the game, almost all children lost its parents. Probably something in the code?

I am having a different problem that I cant seem to know how to fix it…After I attach a component in a parent, the sweep from move actor location stop working for the parent. Everything overlaps it and only block when something hit the child (the attached component). I want the opposite to occur, the sweep/block occurs when something hit the parents and not the child. Look how I am attaching the components in the screenshot.

I just realized that all my objects are using static mesh as root component. That could be the issue of the attaching? Should I remake the BP in order to use a scene component as root?

It seems that I fixed the problem with the sweep! I disable the collision of the mesh of the child. I wanted to do that before but I was doing it wrong. =)

I cant understand this one. For me, it looks that randomly it detach some actors meanwhile others never detach. I cant find the relation… Any ideas? I just attach in the world outliner and then after running the game a few times, it is not attached anymore…

I may have fixed it by changing all components to just static mesh instead of BP. I did not have the need to use it as BP…

Greetings, so far all good. I have one question. At the moment, when I hold click in the actor (collision component) I can move it around. How can I change so I can only move around if I click in the mesh of the actor and not in the collision component? When I have many actors close together, the collision overlap and I cant move any of them because of physics and so on. I want to have an accurate click and move.

Why when I package my game to windows, I cant move my objects anymore?

Fixed by setting the tag by myself instead doing in BP. The game is almost done, thank you Arlyn!

Hello there!
How you doing?
Did you get it done? I am trying to make something similar, and I would appreciate the help, which template is the best one? How did you do it? Right now I have made something more of a assembly showcase and interactions or extremely limited, could perhaps share your work?

Thank you in advance