Of course it’s far form ideal but for a small interior scene I think it’s fine. 512 isn’t too big of a lightmap isn’t it? I’m like OP, i’m way too lazy to manually unwrap stuff right now. I have some many other stuff to do when I make a scene!
Well, 512 is 16x as large as a 128, and that adds up quickly if you have a few chairs.
You are right I go overkill on lightmap res…I’ve redone the test with lower lightmaps, same flattened uv.
More artifacts in detail lighting mode but still no visible artifact once textured…
But there are some much more complex objects where flatten won’t really work of course. But Op’s chair shouldn’t be a problem.
My project is not packing.It is asking to install visual studio.
But it didnt ask me before.I set the build config to shipping
Its very weird that its packing on my pc without installing visual studio but in my laptop its not working
note: packing worked in my laptop before.