Help Please Error Packaging Project

Thank you so much !! it’s solved my problem!!

Thankyou, I was able to fix by plating in editor mode, which showed the error, right next to it there was a link to fix and add config.


This worked for me (using 5.2)

Thanks, I just had the same error in UE5.1 . after reading this chat, I found the link at the end of the error text and that worked.

If you read the message closely, it actually asks if you want it to add the profile to your default engine.ini at the end. Just click that link and restart the editor and it will work. No need to manually add the code yourself.

Yep, that’s correct! Though the prompt is intended to do this however is inconsistent in correctly doing so. I had made a bug report for that issue separately, so in the meantime if the prompt fails to add the changes to the INI file, I left instructions to add it manually just in case.

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But that prompt works only for a particular project, but if we want water in other projects we have to enable the water plugin again then same error occurs, so is there any option that will works for all the projects

Hey there @Chiru.08! Welcome to the community! The manual method of adding the lines should work for any project the prompt fails on. There however is a report in to hopefully fix the prompt in future versions.

I have had the same issue for a few months, can anybody help me?

Hey there @kokothecoconut1! Welcome to the community! If you’re still missing the collision layers, you may have to manually enter them as explained in this comment above, if that failed, may I see the error itself?