HammUEr, a Hammer/Worldcraft map importer for Unreal Engine

I have crash of ue when trying to import vtf textures as materials please help! (sorry for bad english)

I’m going to need more information than that, I’m afraid.
Which version of UE, which version of HammUEr, which VTF textures, in which directory, with which other settings, what does the crash report say?

I have another question. Should I be grouping rooms together before importing? I’ve build a very simple test map but the draw calls are kind of crazy and I can see culling issues when going from one room to another. For example, I have a room with a doorway to another room and in that room, stairs that go up. When I am running through the doorway, I can see the sky for a split second before the stairs pop in.

Grouping will help your draw calls, yeah. If you’re using lightmaps, there’s kind of a trade off where the more brushes you group the higher you need the lightmap resolution to be for that group in UE4 to look good. The AutoLightmapUEr plugin can make that easier.

Occlusion wise, that sounds like a weird separate issue, not to do with HammUEr. Might have to read up a bunch on UE4’s occlusion systems; there are things you can tweak.

Thanks for the reply. I’ve been watching your videos which are very helpful. The occlusion issues might just be because my computer isn’t that fast. I’ll play around with it some more and see if I can optimize a bit

Are there any optimal settings for Quake3 engine games?

I’ve noticed that the main issues seem to be UV (only sometimes), Patch Mesh (Mainly its UV) and “terrain” brushes (Gaps between them).

Not really.
Unfortunately, there hasn’t been much testing of the Q3 functionality, which looked OK for the maps I tested (being the handful of radiant ones and a few people made they sent me), but it hasn’t really been actually… used by people so far, it seems?
Animated textures look totally wrong, obviously, but I didn’t really notice any other UV-related problems at the time.

Have you changed anything on the ConfigUEr page yet?
If you have gaps, you might want to try ‘Round accepted points to nearest integer’, which might help (or not, I don’t know how bad these gaps are)

Perhaps you should try Wolfenstein Enemy Territory free maps sources to test it out as it has a lot of terrain brushes.

http://imgur.com/a/sdIXi here are some examples of my issue, the walls etc work great though , its just patch mesh and terrain-ish brushes and lightmap seems to be a mess aswell

Enemy Territory Source Maps:

Enemy Territory Full Game in case you want the textures:

So basicly I’m using a combo of HammUEr and BSP to Noesis (fbx) to UE4 but I’d like to use HammUEr alone cause its so easy to use ^^

And yes I have changed a few things in ConfigUEr page, and tried to adjust other settings aswell like welding etc, aswell as Round accepted points…


At first glance, their patchDef2’s look the same, so it’s not that.
I guess it could be the extra interpolation to make patches smoother (which is built in because of how my code is structured, I’m afraid)

The z-fighting is because each map brush (or group, but Q3 doesn’t have groups) gets imported as a separate mesh, which is always going to happen when the original map just does smaller brushes overlapping large brushes. (Unlike the BSP, which basically combines visible brush sections into one coherent static mesh)

As for the lightmaps thing: UE lightmaps work completely different from the Q3 engine, in that you have a lightmap per mesh
Your maximum angle to smooth is… not a good idea, which might be influencing this as well.
That’s the angle between polygons that’ll generate a smoothed normal. 180 is basically opposite sides (which’ll generate a 0 normal, because they cancel each other out).
Anything much higher than the default 60ish is going to lead to behaviour you probably don’t want (since any sharp angle will become ‘rounded’)

Pitty of the patches, I’ll just use the patch mesh from the bsp->fbx.

I shouldve explained why I have the Z-Fighting a bit more clear. It was a fbx (frombsp) and a patchmesh one imported from HammerUEr but I forgot to untick it to show you the difference between them. HammUEr one has the texture a bit rotated from how it looks ingame.

About the 179 I had for smoothing, those settings was a test to see if it would fix the lightmapUV as I kept it on default on another import where it kinda went wrong.

I now tried both on 60-45-0 angles. When I used 0, then merge all mesh and force lightmap to 4096 it kinda gets fixed but I dont think its meant to be done like this as I’d also like to keep all brushes as a mesh, not combined.

EDIT: Hopefully the last edit, I seem to have fixed the lightmap seams without too much trouble eventhough it took me a while to get this far.
What I basicly did is use AutoLightmapUEr and started with 32 and up so no 8/16/24 lightmap sizes. Then added a LightMassImportaceVolume and adjusted a few settings in World Settings to make everything a tad better.

can i use HammUEr with Killing Floor 2?

I… don’t think Killing Floor 2 is a Quake derived/Source engine game?

Killing Floor 2 is not a Source engine game. Killing Floor 2 is running on a Heavily modified UE3 So it’s like UE3.5. i was hoping to use HammUEr to import l4d maps to the game

Oh, yeah, definitely not happening.

well thank you very much for answering my question :slight_smile:

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Thanks for the update to 4.16 !

Y’know, with the new geometry mesh manipulation and this plugin, I think we are close to finding nirvana… :wink:

Hello I have problem with materials import from Black Mesa. Can someone do it? I will put a link on archive with textures

Engine 4.14.3
Hammuer 1.7

Hm. Judging by the “Error reading results of folder dialog”, I’m going to guess one of your directory names (and maybe even some file names?) has cyrillic characters in it?
Try just using latin characters.

There is nod folders or directory with cyillic,and problem again