Google TextToSpeech (WaveNet) Plugin

@motorsep Sorry about not getting back to you sooner! I’ve compiled OVRLipSyncDemo and taken a look. Cool project. It appears to be relying on AudioComponent to render the animation. This can be used together with the GTTS plugin as it does nothing special in this regard, speech is just a SoundWave as far as the engine is concerned and SoundWaves can be given to AudioComponents.

As for your question if this can be done without engine changes, I think so. Because the GTTS plugin is exposed to blueprint, and OVRLipSync is also exposed. You should be able to create a UOVRLipSyncPlaybackActorComponent and feed it a AudioComponent in its Start() method.

I am not that savvy with BP and I’ve never actually worked with Audio beyond playing sound at location :confused:

@motorsep Ah, I misunderstood. I thought you said you wanted a launcher version of the engine and implied that you didn’t do C++. Sorry!

Well then it’s even more simple but you’d have to do it yourself unfortunately. I would love to integrate it into the plugin itself but the Marketplace doesn’t allow plugin dependencies on other plugins.

Right, I work with Oculus fork of UE4, can’t use launcher version really. I don’t do C++, but if there is C++ code to be merged (like a diff or patch), I could probably do that. As for gameplay code, I definitely don’t do C++, but I do BP (using whatever UE4 provides). When it comes to Audio and all the fiddly things can be done with it using BP, I’ve never done that (and I not big on Audio stuff in general)

I’ll check it out, fingers crossed :o Thanks!

I’m wondering if it has options to not just read the text but “Act” it. Using different symbols to inflection tone or emotion into the voices. Like all CAPS would be 2x higher volume. Stared would be elongated. high pitched, wavy voice, croaky etc. In order to make characters sound angry or sarcastic etc.


DO not. DO that. Again

Hi GhostTStalker,

Absolutely, you can achieve this with a standard called SSML. You can read more about it here:

Look at the tags <emphasis> and <prosody> in particular. You can include these tags into the text input just like you normally would with any text.
Hopefully those should do what you’re looking for! :slight_smile:;base64

Hey everyone. :slight_smile: Now we have a Discord channel where you can ask questions or discuss ideas for the plugin. You can find it here:

I hope you will like it!