I really dont want to come across overly critical or as a hater (actually I have some deep respect for for coming up with this technique), but since we evaluated the features in a real production environment without any kind of success, I just think they are not well suited to be the dynamic replacement for lightmass (HA…thats it! I think the most important thing is to realize: Nope, we dont want some fancy partly working thing here, we want a fully dynamic Lightmass replacement^^). If you guys want to, I can share more in depth thoughts on this, but I dont want to make this unnecessarily long^^
Honestly, what I really dont get is the following: Why not implement the solution that the Snowdrop Engine uses (The Division)? I dont see any kind of reason against this solution and to me it sounds like the perfect fit for this generation.
I know they havent yet shared how they do it, I have a friend who is working there and he was willing to tell me a little bit, but really not that much since they have super strong NDAs. BUT, when you know how Ubisoft does their lighting (AC Black Flag slides etc) AND have a graphics programmer that understands this technique well enough to explain it to you AND you listen to what your friend has to say who works at Massive AND (this is the last one^^) you check out all the engine videos that were released for The Division, you can actually get quite a good understanding of what they are probably using
So its basically the same technique as AC:Unity but with some additional advancements. General diffuse GI is captured in spherical harmonics. They capture 6 different lighting states to blend between them (TOD). Since Unity, they also capture indirect specular. The SHs capture the sun and any placed light in the scene as well.
With the Division they seem to have introduced updating SHs around the player in a certain radius so you can have fully dynamic GI (you can see this in the video where the light is hanging from the ceiling and it shakes around and when it lights up the red wall to the right, you get dynamic red bounce light onto the white ceiling) So I assume that the TOD is half dynamic, but around the player, the probes can be updated dynamically to allow some nice colorbleeding effects.
In AC, the SHs get placed via NavMesh (since you can walk on everything, this makes sense) however, if you dont have a NavMesh like this, just use volumes like the importance volumes and cast a ray and check where it hits geo. SHs that intersect with walls will get deleted or disregarded. Maybe you need super low poly proxies for interiors, I am not sure about that. But you could also distribute the SHs cascaded to have a super high density around the player, or take volumes with higher resolution for interiors.
This is all pretty basic in terms of how I am able to describe it, but do some research on it…its very interesting and this looks like the most solid solution to me. Yes you do have to precalculate the SHs, but according to the AC slides, this takes just 8mins for the Havana map and can be optimized even further via GPU computing etc. Oh and btw…the Black Flag GI runs on XBox360 with only 1.2ms!!!
So again…I think that this sounds like the most usable option to me without any weird limitations like: ohhh…but it doesnt work on foliage, oh it doesnt work with skel meshes, oh it also doesnt work with WPO or did I mention non uniformly scaled meshes yet (yes I know that they already have ideas to fix this, but not the other things. And when they say: Yeah so use CSM for closeup, I just reply: why implement soft shadows if you cannot see them because you are using CSM instead?..BTW, there is a cool technique which is called percentage closer soft shadows. FC3 uses it on PC, runs like a charm, looks good enough and has non of these limitations)…cmon, its 2014 and there are some pretty neat things out there to be inspired by!
I would really love to know how the Snowdrop Engine does its magic, but the most interesting thing is this: My friend said that, when I asked if the Snowdrop really looks this good and if it runs well and etc. (just all the stuff you ask because you cant believe that this could really be true^^) he said: Man its exactly like that! The Engine looks like in the videos, thats how it looks in the level he is working on. Yes, its fully dynamic! It runs with 40-60 fps conctantly in the editor with a level as crowded and detailed as seen in all the gameplay demos etc. He said I dont know what kind of magic drives this thing…but its just ******* amazing and a blast to work with.
I would love to see the lighting of Unreal 4 going into that direction because honestly…it also looks better than lightmass in my opinion.
Argh…and there you have it…still wrote a whole book again sorry^^