I just had to double check incase I had somehow made that mistake, but no the lighting is exactly the same. There is only a one sky light and one directional light in each scene. Even though I have now deleted the old lights and re-added them, I have made sure all the settings were the same. Either way the result is the same as before I deleted the old lights. This all happened after I moved the maps to a different folder, then a bit later I was switching between a couple of the maps when I realised that the lighting had changed from earlier. It is possible that the change had happened before I moved the maps assets, or even after, because I wasn’t working on the lighting at the time I wasn’t really taking that much notice. I just can’t think or see any other changes that might have caused this.
Did you ever had static lighting on in this map? Might be it was still using some lightmaps, and now they got invalidated and removed.
No, I have only ever had dynamic lighting, and it happens in all three maps now; all three have only ever had dynamic lighting, as I first created them to test that feature. Also before I could see that the GI was working by using turning off the “Lighting Features->Distance Field Global Illumination”. By using that I can still see that two of the maps are still getting some GI, it just is darker and more “flat” looking. While the other map, only has one object (a bench) that seems to get any GI.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
I just downloaded 4.8 from and have been trying out DFGI and also translucent materials with SSR, and while not quite perfect yet, I must say it’s looking VERY promising. Dynamic GI (that doesn’t leak like LPV did) and translucent materials with reflections were really the two only things I felt really needed fixing when it comes to rendering, so I just want to thank you, DanielW, and the rest of the team for this awesomeness =)
4.8? is this a typo?
The Master Branch is 4.8, but very buggy
Yes, I remember its actually been 4.8 for a while - since 4.7 preview was released.
with the latest 4.8 master branch - dfgi seems to work only for directional lights - and not very well.
I’ve got a skylight and have ticked Force No Precompute Lighting and have distance fields turned on as well as r.DistanceFieldGI=1.
What else am I doing wrong?
Not a typo, it’s 4.8, but as pointed out it’s pretty buggy so far. I haven’t had any crashes so far, but it’s not ready for release, hence its placement in Promoted/Master branches.
I’ve only tried the one in the Promoted branch so I can’t comment on the Master branch. I have not tried and tested lots of different light types, but as the scenes I currently do only use Directional and Sky Light it’s enough for me at the moment =)
So does DFGI require DX11 to work? Does that mean I’m out of luck on my Mac Pro? Is that why I haven’t been able to get even regular GI / Lightmass to work at all (or DFGI or LPV, following the instructions in this thread)?
I hope Epic devs find a best way to give DFGI for older DX versions and for Linux too in future somehow.
I doubt it technically feasable.
For two reasons:1
- This is very high end feature, and GPU who can’t handle DX11, dont have enough power to handle it at all.
- GPUs which can handle it, support DX11,12 and Vulkan.
I would rather bet in porting these features to Vulkan/DX12, as they are far more similiar than DX11 and OpenGL.
And what’s the point when DX11 GPUs are already used by ~80% of Steam users according to Valve? Sometime old hardware has to be dropped, it doesn’t make any sense to keep backwards compatibility for too long, when it will only be used by a quickly declining ~20%.
UE4 supports DX10?
I thought it only supports DX11 and soon 12. (Also OpenGL as well)
does the master have heightfield and dfgi enabled?
Has there been any update with Distance Field GI?
Anyone else experiencing trouble getting DFGI/AO to work when playing? (works just fine in the editor view of my project, but just disappears when I press “play”, project is on a master built yesterday)
Works in my build, but I have both enabled in ConsoleVariables.ini just in case.
I’ve tried that, Atle, but to no avail. Which build are you on?