Global Illumination alternatives

So characters are actually able to receive that DFGI? Shapes linked to bones would be for bouncing the light into environment?

Does this DFGI work in the latest 4.7 preview or is it still only in the source?

I haven’t added support for point lights yet but it’s in the plan.

Characters and everything without a distance field representation receive DFGI and DFAO, they just can’t bounce light themselves.

Only in source / future 4.8

Would the trick that mentioned regarding shapes attached to characters work out of the box or is that something you will have to add specific support for?

It’s great that even without DF characters can receive GI, I think mostly that would even be enough for some time and if the shapes trick would work, that would be really cool.

Great to be watching the progress with reatlime GI while having in mind that just a few years ago software/offline renderers were dealing with similar problems, really amazing it’s now something we deal with in realtime applications :slight_smile:

I built a little DFGI testscene. It’s such a promising approach, keep up the fantastic work !

Time of day GIF

Well that’s what you’ve got bent normals from SSAO/Ambient occlusion raytraced primitives for right? Or… Crytek changed it to a spherical harmonic occlusion term with even better results, but the same idea.

Stick with a dynamic cubemap of the sky with multiple taps/importance sampling for that? Usually the sky isn’t terribly costly to re-rendering twice.

Well it’s better than representing the scene with a volume texture that can’t even have an empty/null representation.

Here’s the paper I mentioned earlier: Better VPL representation for specular results.

I’m at a loss here, I can get distance field GI to work in a launched .exe from UE4 4.7 preview 5 by editing the ConsoleVariables.ini file, but no matter what .ini files I try editing, I cannot get distance field GI to work in the editor, help?

I don’t think it’s in Preview 5, you have to do a build from the current source

You will need to build from master branch.

I’m downloading master branch now. When everything is done i’ll post a SunTemple demo video comparing DFGI and LPV.

Some quick screenshots:

omgosh pics in these threads are amazing.
danielw, you have outdone yourself this time.

I’m kindof amazed it works at all in these levels that I haven’t tested since it’s so early and the implementation is so complex =)

Somebody post a time lapse with the sun direction changing if you will, that’s where dynamic GI really shines.

Mobile temple quality clearly needs some work.

Actually I did :slight_smile:

Oh okay, weird that it works with the stand alone .exe without the builds.

I can’t stop looking at that gif, it’s amazing - it reminds me of the first time I saw SVOGI in action. Imagine what 2 bounce of indirect light would look like :slight_smile: Keep up the work !

This + Skylight = Solution?

Hi The_Distiller,

Can you explain how did you do the timeday? How you can update the sky material? Some steps about the DFGI description much appreciated.

I also compiled the master branch and used indirect lighting and the results are very good!

There is no sky material there, I simply used atmospheric fog and a directional light. That’s it :slight_smile:

i’m at a loss on how to get any results. I’ve built mine from master branch on and I’ve enabled both variables in the consoleVariables.ini files?
am I missing something else? are there other ini files? did I put it in the wrong one?
i’ve put a directional light/point light, atmospheric fog, turned on force precompute lighting, can’t think of anything else to get this thing going?

please help

Holy bananas, that looks fantastic :slight_smile:

I was wondering if you’ve tested out this GI solution with an indoor scene and dynamic man-made lighting (switchable lights, flashlights, etc.)?