Getting Mouse Position During Drag and Drop UMG

Yes but to what is connected the FinaliseDrag? How the engine knows that I’m no longer dragging?

You call it yourself when you finalise drag - not sure how you want it to work.

  • mouse button going up can be the trigger
  • perhaps there is a slot / special place trace detects - that could be the trigger, too
  • or maybe the chair can have overlapping collision and hit another collision volume, this could terminate the drag and set the proper collision
  • you could evoke it when the drag gets Cancelled
  • you could add a reference to the spawned actor to the drag operation as payload and have onDrop set the collision, like in the example above:

The drag operation knows which actor it is dragging, so it could:

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Thanks for the explanation but I can’t get it to work, my problem being that I need the object to have a collision since after the player needs to be able to move the actor in the scene like this:

I could stay on the current functioning as on the video with the yellow armchair, but I find it more “complete” to drag the object directly and not only its texture

I tried to call it On drag cancelled but I have no return…

If you’re using a custom drag and drop operation, you can do it there:



Since we’re not dropping on a widget, and there’s no return confirming successful completion, this cancellation will trigger inside the operation blueprint.

If you’re going to use this method for a variety of classes (assuming there will be more than just chairs), you will also need to look into either inheritance and / or interface communication. Casting is not sustainable. But that’s for later.

Or use a channel for tracing, then you no longer need to worry about enabling / disabling collision. Both would work but require a slightly different approach.

Could I just ask what custom channel for tracing you would recommend to do such a thing ?

There’s nothing to recommend. You add a new one and give it a name. The chair ignores it, the floor does not. Use it as you trace.

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Finally! Thank you for the 50th time.

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There is another way of having a line tracer work as usual with the “On Dragged Cancelled” event. Thanks to “THE IMAGENEERS” on YouTube for making a video about this (link).

Here is the blueprint for spawning as example:

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