Get all actors inside another actor (or box)

Sadly those did not really work. This is how I used them:

Then I used the Actors to ignore array in a Line trace node, and the line trace did in fact not ignore those actors:

So what I’m doing is multiple Line Traces along a mesh that looks like a pipe (more info about this here: Line Trace 360 around mesh), but the problem is that there might be other Actors that’s too close and will interfere with the Line Trace. I therefore want to ignore those other actors.

My first solution, where I use a Box Overlap Actors and set the extent to be the mesh bounding sphere (the picture in the original post), worked perfectly, to ignore the other actors, up until yesterday… I have already looked over my nodes to see if I have disconnected something or accidentally changed a value or two, but nothing seems to be different.

I have therefore made a temporary solution where I changed the Object Channel and collision preset to a custom ones:

I then made a button in my Utility Widget so I can get all the meshes in my level and set them to the new Collision Preset. I also add the Object Channel to the ObjectType variable

Then right before I do the Line Trace I change the collision preset back to BlockAll for the selected Actor and that seems to do the trick right now. With this solution, I don’t actually need to Ignore any actors.
I’m just so confused why the BoxOverlapActors node doesn’t work this week.