Generic Shooter: Support Thread

If its anything like the first person blueprint template, the firing animations might be motages that are played in the blueprint. Regardless, i think that putting them in locomotion should work. Just add a melee attack state in the anim graph, have a boolean variable called attacking in the player blueprint and animation blueprint, and set it in the event graph the same way youre getting the equippedWeapon variable. For the condition (in the anim graph) to switch to the attack state, you can check if equippedWeapon isvalid AND attacking is true. Hope that helps!

I’m going to add melee hopefully in 4.19 or earlier, but it may take until 4.20. Its implementation is basically going to be a modified weapon but instead of a weapon mesh with a fire anim its just going to use punch anims.

I’ve gone and got sword animations that would work perfect for it, but am not sure how to add them. I tried creating montages and dropping them in where you placed the fire animations before, but for some reason none of them work at all. They just won’t fire.

I also tested the Ammo bug and it seems like it is only affecting 4.16, which is what I made my project in. Ammo works fine in 4.9 and 4.18, but doesn’t work with 4.16, even if I upgrade my project. Those versions all work, other then the 4.16 version. I’ve looked over all of those versions and each was constructed slightly different, and none of them seem to work when I implement them in 4.16. The ammo factory can be placed on a map, and you see it, the particle effect and the ammo, but it doesn’t glow, and you can’t click on it at all.

How do we disable the camera system if we get into a vehicle? The system I am using destroys the character and replaces it with another character, but the camera is still being controlled somewhere, which is causing the Vehicle’s camera to be disabled somehow. Is it what you setup in the BP_PlayerController?

Well I finally figured out how to get my animations to fire correctly, and I took one of the MixamoAnimationPack anims (all of them have a sword swing), retargetted the sword swing, duplicated one of your anim montages and drag and dropped the sword swing into the montage and it now fires fine. Then I setup a capsule collision and it failed, so I’m trying to sort out the Line Trace system for melee damage now. But I now have the melee where you can get it from a weapon factory, equip it, and holster it, and the animation for swinging fires. Damage is the final step and then I will have my parent melee weapon. Oh, and I did the reimport transformation method on the skeletal mesh to work out how to fit it to my hand in 3rd person, so it looks good.

Legacy question, but where is the setup for the Menu at start-up? Trying to make it so that the menu map loaded is the same as the starter level

Im having the same problem in 4.18 none of the pickups are working

, please respond. Video on 64 page.

Can we get a tutorial on how to add an extra animation set to the existing one’s? For example, I want to add in a set of Sprinting Animation Montages, and a set of walking Montages but just for my melee weapons, but your system that is setup for the walking animation is pretty deep, and I break my game every time I try to add this part. Could you do one for the 4.15 version of the game. Just show us how to add an extra set of Animations to the existing one for something like Melee. I noticed you’ve already setup most of the Melee stuff, just add in the part about melee. Right now you have it for Pistol and for Rifle, the tutorial would stand as a guide to add in Sprint Animations, or new Idle Animations as well, or even sets of Dialog Animations, all of which would expand the template’s use well beyond it’s current range of application.

Do you have any AI put in your project, and if so does the Apply Any Damage not work when set to BP_BaseDamage?

I’ve got a working Melee Weapon System, and Ladder System added to Generic Shooter, and would gladly donate them to the cause if you will do a tutorial using the 4.15 version of Generic Shooter and add a Melee Jog animation, or make it so I can change the Jog animations for when I carry any weapon in general.

I believe that was in the Menu Game Mode.

Your weapons start with full ammo. Do they work if you fire a bit and then reload?

Sorry I’ve been neglecting this thread. All support is now primarily through my Discord, available at

For the first part, those are all just the basic built in camera lag settings for the spring arm. You can disable it all or adjust them in the SpringArm component of BP_PlayerCharacter.

For the second part, good catch. Apparently, this is a default Epic setting that requires a checkbox flip to enable. You can do this in the CharacterMovementComponent settings of BP_PlayerCharacter.

I won’t be touching older versions, I’ll only be moving forward. The animation system is changing quite a bit so that it is a bit easier to use and modify. Adding a whole new movement state though, such as sprinting, is a bit more complex, however. The weapon system is also being actively rewritten to better support melee stuff, which will be handled slightly differently. These new systems will have documentation in time, but I’m still trying to figure out the best way to write these under GS’s new paradigms.

@ Thanks, now it’s okay. In a discord, I can not write in the channels of the Products (No rights to send a message).

@ Do not tell yet, how can I turn off the disappearance of decals with distance?

Please read #read-me-first for instructions on how to gain write access.

For now, you can use the Epic built in console command r.Decal.FadeScreenSizeMult followed by a multiplier, i.e. r.Decal.FadeScreenSizeMult 5. Default is 1.

Oh, thank you very much, I did not see, because there is no Google translator for the discord.

I ended up with a pretty slick Line Trace system for Melee, and now finally got two totally new modes of play built with Distance Scoring. And I did end up getting the Ammo working, but I had to change the Code for some reason. I’ve turned your Template into a cross between L4D2 and Killing Floor. It’s slowly coming together. I would gladly use your new version but it’s changed so much that to do so I would have to trash half my project. LOL Not going there! I’ll get a work around, at this point it’s becoming a monster!

I would like to set up weapon in menu, just like the playercharacter (model) I see it works by ID, but the player default weapon works via weapon managment. What should I call or how i can achieve this ? I have tried similiar to CharacterID- Trying change GiveDefaultweapon (similiar to UpdateMesh) In menu i can see the weapon name changing, but always spawn the character with the first weapon (0- in Gameinstace was give) thank you for any help !