Generic Shooter: Support Thread

I would be interested, if someone would like to create an xp system, which will be saved after match, and you can spend this xp points.
Would you have any idea how to solve multiplayer saving ? ( where player’s stats,xp points will be saved) ?

Sorry for the late reply @Cmcginn. Thanks for the tip.


I have a short question about team numbers in Team-Deathmatch. I only want 2 Teams and remove the option from hosting Team Deathmatch with 3 or 4 Teams.
So basicly just remove the buttons from the widget. I’m searching like crazy but can’t find where this gets added in the Host Widget.

How do I remove it?

In BP_TeamDeathmatch, remove the option from the “UserOptions” array.

4.17 Build submitted.


08/12/2017: Generic Shooter v1.7 (Unstable)
Literally re-wrote almost every major system. This version is not backward-compatible in any sense. It also isn’t forward compatible. The rewrite is still in process, but this version seems to be relatively bug free, however, I’m sure my customers will find many, many bugs with this version. Generic Shooter is moving towards a more modular system approach. Here is the folder structure for this build:

Wiki now has full Generic Shooter API available.

Hi all,
I am currently working on a shooter (obviously) with rideable mounts,
my approach to control the mount is to possess it, thus leaving the character unpossessed.
Now when i want the mount to attack, the player respawns as if it was dead.

Where can i find and modify whatever is affecting the respawn on click?

@: In the UE 4.17 version, where do you specify impacts for the new Physical Material types or even modify current Physical Material types to use different impact effects. Been searching through the code now and haven’t found it yet.

Edit: Never mind, finally figured it out, use the “Surface Map” variable in the “BP_DefaultImpactEffect” blueprint and set up your particle effects linked to your Physical Surfaces defined in the project settings. :slight_smile:

Hello , I have a terrible problem. When I try to connect to the server from the client, I get an error. Similarly, when creating a server from a client (but this should be, but why does the client have this button at all? Oh well, the problem is not this).
What network is used in your project? For a dedicated server or a listen server?
EDIT: And in general, where is the logic of the network (Create Session, Find Session etc.) registered?

Hello. just trying the new version it seems the physic material isn’t working nothing seems to pop up seem its just everything is using concrete one? even flesh isn’t showing when i shoot other player.

Update: Seems they weren’t add into the defaultimpact_BP only concrete was as default.

hello, in your BP_PlayerController, you will find respawn logic, here is where you need to change the action, This worked for me

@: Int he 4.17 version, how do you change the weapon firing sounds. I can’t seem to figure out if there is an easy way to do this or if you need to code it in yourself.

It’s if I remember in the Bp_basicweapon there is a fire sounds slot where u add sounds to the weapon

Perfect … found it … it is stored in the Instant Hit Component on each weapon. :slight_smile:

I’m trying to throw away last weapon seems like you can’t is there a way too?

I don’t think you can throw the last weapon away, you always have to have one weapon. I have tried as well and it is not possible.

weird in the other versions you could, hmm.
would be cool to add a tick on the weapons can or can not throw away.

That will override ALL instant hit weapon sounds. How do you override each individual muzzle audio? If I go to specific one like BP_Weapon_Pistol - clicking Muzzle Audio and class defaults - sound -> This is pulling out the weapon sound, not the fire. Anyone know?

I’d like to encourage everyone to use the Discord as you’re likely to be helped there much faster.

If you get the error Could Not Connect To Server, then for some reason your server is actively rejecting the connection. Generic Shooter doesn’t do any rejection like this so this indicates a deeper problem. Check out your logs to see if they show why. If you have Steam enabled, most likely Steam is preventing session creation and joining because Steam does not allow the same Steam account to be ‘playing in two different places’, even if those places are on the same local machine.

The Create Session / Host game logic exists in the Host Game widget.

The Find Session / Join Session logic exists in the Server Browser widget.

The Quick Play game logic exists in the Quick Play widget.

I personally don’t like this logic existing in the widgets so I’ll probably move it out of them at some point in the future.

If you change it in the base Instant Hit component class, you’re right, it will. However, if you override it in the instance of your weapon class, i.e. you change its defaults while in BP_Weapon_Pistol, it’ll only change for that weapon.

I know the new weapon system is a bit harder to configure, and the fact that its still changing and isn’t finalized is an issue, and the fact I haven’t written documentation for it yet is also an issue, but I swear its all for the best and these issues will be solved in time.

You’re right, however throwing away your last weapon put you in a weird buggy ‘no weapon’ state which there was no actual logic to solve and resulted in a bunch of errors. This wasn’t really a feature and more of a bug.

The Character Weapon Manager Component is actively preventing you from throwing away your last weapon in this case. I’ll add a ‘Throwable’ flag to all weapons in the next version.

Someday I’ll add an ‘unarmed’ state. Honestly, my implementation of ‘unarmed’ will probably be a Weapon that does nothing except show your hands.