An example procedural cylinder
Here is a quick example on how to use the new ProceduralMeshComponent in 4.8.
I based this off a more complex method I’m using in my own hobby project, so please excuse the somewhat sloppy code. I have a lot more cached/pre-calculated in my own code, but wanted to keep this example as simple as I could, and added more comments.
This example should demonstrate all the main things you need to take care of when building your own mesh and I hope someone finds it useful!
// A simple procedural cylinder example
// 27. May 2015 - Sigurdur G. Gunnarsson
#pragma once
#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "ProceduralMeshComponent.h"
#include "SimpleCylinderActor.generated.h"
class ASimpleCylinderActor : public AActor
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Cylinder Parameters")
float Radius = 10;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Cylinder Parameters")
float Height = 20;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Cylinder Parameters")
int32 CrossSectionCount = 10;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Cylinder Parameters")
bool bCapEnds = true;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Cylinder Parameters")
bool bDoubleSided = false;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Cylinder Parameters")
bool bSmoothNormals = true;
virtual void OnConstruction(const FTransform& Transform) override;
virtual void BeginPlay() override;
void GenerateMesh();
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, Category = Materials)
UProceduralMeshComponent* mesh;
void GenerateCylinder(TArray<FVector>& Vertices, TArray<int32>& Triangles, TArray<FVector>& Normals, TArray<FVector2D>& UVs, TArray<FProcMeshTangent>& Tangents, float Height, float InWidth, int32 InCrossSectionCount, bool bCapEnds = false, bool bDoubleSided = false, bool bInSmoothNormals = true);
SimpleCylinderActor.cpp - Remember to change the first include to your project’s header file!
// A simple procedural cylinder example
// 27. May 2015 - Sigurdur G. Gunnarsson
#include "ProceduralMesh01.h"
#include "SimpleCylinderActor.h"
mesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<UProceduralMeshComponent>(TEXT("ProceduralMesh"));
RootComponent = mesh;
void ASimpleCylinderActor::OnConstruction(const FTransform& Transform)
void ASimpleCylinderActor::BeginPlay()
void ASimpleCylinderActor::GenerateMesh()
TArray<FVector> Vertices;
TArray<int32> Triangles;
TArray<FVector> Normals;
TArray<FVector2D> UVs;
TArray<FProcMeshTangent> Tangents;
TArray<FColor> VertexColors;
GenerateCylinder(Vertices, Triangles, Normals, UVs, Tangents, Height, Radius, CrossSectionCount, bCapEnds, bDoubleSided, bSmoothNormals);
mesh->CreateMeshSection(0, Vertices, Triangles, Normals, UVs, VertexColors, Tangents, false);
void ASimpleCylinderActor::GenerateCylinder(TArray<FVector>& Vertices, TArray<int32>& Triangles, TArray<FVector>& Normals, TArray<FVector2D>& UVs, TArray<FProcMeshTangent>& Tangents, float InHeight, float InWidth, int32 InCrossSectionCount, bool bInCapEnds, bool bInDoubleSided, bool bInSmoothNormals)
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Basic setup
int VertexIndex = 0;
int32 NumVerts = InCrossSectionCount * 4; // InCrossSectionCount x 4 verts per face
// Count extra vertices if double sided
if (bInDoubleSided)
NumVerts = NumVerts * 2;
// Count vertices for caps if set
if (bInCapEnds)
NumVerts += 2 * (InCrossSectionCount - 1) * 3;
// Clear out the arrays passed in
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Make a cylinder section
const float AngleBetweenQuads = (2.0f / (float)(InCrossSectionCount)) * PI;
const float VMapPerQuad = 1.0f / (float)InCrossSectionCount;
FVector Offset = FVector(0, 0, InHeight);
// Start by building up vertices that make up the cylinder sides
for (int32 QuadIndex = 0; QuadIndex < InCrossSectionCount; QuadIndex++)
float Angle = (float)QuadIndex * AngleBetweenQuads;
float NextAngle = (float)(QuadIndex + 1) * AngleBetweenQuads;
// Set up the vertices
FVector p0 = FVector(FMath::Cos(Angle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(Angle) * InWidth, 0.f);
FVector p1 = FVector(FMath::Cos(NextAngle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(NextAngle) * InWidth, 0.f);
FVector p2 = p1 + Offset;
FVector p3 = p0 + Offset;
// Set up the quad triangles
int VertIndex1 = VertexIndex++;
int VertIndex2 = VertexIndex++;
int VertIndex3 = VertexIndex++;
int VertIndex4 = VertexIndex++;
Vertices[VertIndex1] = p0;
Vertices[VertIndex2] = p1;
Vertices[VertIndex3] = p2;
Vertices[VertIndex4] = p3;
// Now create two triangles from those four vertices
// The order of these (clockwise/counter-clockwise) dictates which way the normal will face.
// UVs
UVs[VertIndex1] = FVector2D(VMapPerQuad * QuadIndex, 0.0f);
UVs[VertIndex2] = FVector2D(VMapPerQuad * (QuadIndex + 1), 0.0f);
UVs[VertIndex3] = FVector2D(VMapPerQuad * (QuadIndex + 1), 1.0f);
UVs[VertIndex4] = FVector2D(VMapPerQuad * QuadIndex, 1.0f);
// Normals
FVector NormalCurrent = FVector::CrossProduct(Vertices[VertIndex1] - Vertices[VertIndex3], Vertices[VertIndex2] - Vertices[VertIndex3]).GetSafeNormal();
if (bInSmoothNormals)
// To smooth normals you give the vertices a different normal value than the polygon they belong to, gfx hardware then knows how to interpolate between those.
// I do this here as an average between normals of two adjacent polygons
// TODO re-use calculations between loop iterations (do them once and cache them!), no need to calculate same values every time :)
float NextNextAngle = (float)(QuadIndex + 2) * AngleBetweenQuads;
FVector p4 = FVector(FMath::Cos(NextNextAngle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(NextNextAngle) * InWidth, 0.f);
// p1 to p4 to p2
FVector NormalNext = FVector::CrossProduct(p1 - p2, p4 - p2).GetSafeNormal();
FVector AverageNormalRight = (NormalCurrent + NormalNext) / 2;
AverageNormalRight = AverageNormalRight.GetSafeNormal();
float PreviousAngle = (float)(QuadIndex - 1) * AngleBetweenQuads;
FVector pMinus1 = FVector(FMath::Cos(PreviousAngle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(PreviousAngle) * InWidth, 0.f);
// p0 to p3 to pMinus1
FVector NormalPrevious = FVector::CrossProduct(p0 - pMinus1, p3 - pMinus1).GetSafeNormal();
FVector AverageNormalLeft = (NormalCurrent + NormalPrevious) / 2;
AverageNormalLeft = AverageNormalLeft.GetSafeNormal();
Normals[VertIndex1] = AverageNormalLeft;
Normals[VertIndex2] = AverageNormalRight;
Normals[VertIndex3] = AverageNormalRight;
Normals[VertIndex4] = AverageNormalLeft;
// If not smoothing we just set the vertex normal to the same normal as the polygon they belong to
Normals[VertIndex1] = NormalCurrent;
Normals[VertIndex2] = NormalCurrent;
Normals[VertIndex3] = NormalCurrent;
Normals[VertIndex4] = NormalCurrent;
// Tangents (perpendicular to the surface)
FVector SurfaceTangent = p0 - p1;
SurfaceTangent = SurfaceTangent.GetSafeNormal();
Tangents[VertIndex1] = FProcMeshTangent(SurfaceTangent, true);
Tangents[VertIndex2] = FProcMeshTangent(SurfaceTangent, true);
Tangents[VertIndex3] = FProcMeshTangent(SurfaceTangent, true);
Tangents[VertIndex4] = FProcMeshTangent(SurfaceTangent, true);
// If double sides, create extra polygons but face the normals the other way.
if (bInDoubleSided)
VertIndex1 = VertexIndex++;
VertIndex2 = VertexIndex++;
VertIndex3 = VertexIndex++;
VertIndex4 = VertexIndex++;
Vertices[VertIndex1] = p0;
Vertices[VertIndex2] = p1;
Vertices[VertIndex3] = p2;
Vertices[VertIndex4] = p3;
if (QuadIndex != 0 && bInCapEnds)
// Cap is closed by triangles that start at 0, then use the points at the angles for the other corners
// Bottom
FVector capVertex0 = FVector(FMath::Cos(0) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(0) * InWidth, 0.f);
FVector capVertex1 = FVector(FMath::Cos(Angle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(Angle) * InWidth, 0.f);
FVector capVertex2 = FVector(FMath::Cos(NextAngle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(NextAngle) * InWidth, 0.f);
VertIndex1 = VertexIndex++;
VertIndex2 = VertexIndex++;
VertIndex3 = VertexIndex++;
Vertices[VertIndex1] = capVertex0;
Vertices[VertIndex2] = capVertex1;
Vertices[VertIndex3] = capVertex2;
FVector2D UV1 = FVector2D(FMath::Sin(0), FMath::Cos(0));
FVector2D UV2 = FVector2D(FMath::Sin(Angle), FMath::Cos(Angle));
FVector2D UV3 = FVector2D(FMath::Sin(NextAngle), FMath::Cos(NextAngle));
UVs[VertIndex1] = UV1;
UVs[VertIndex2] = UV2;
UVs[VertIndex3] = UV3;
// Top
capVertex0 = capVertex0 + Offset;
capVertex1 = capVertex1 + Offset;
capVertex2 = capVertex2 + Offset;
VertIndex1 = VertexIndex++;
VertIndex2 = VertexIndex++;
VertIndex3 = VertexIndex++;
Vertices[VertIndex1] = capVertex0;
Vertices[VertIndex2] = capVertex1;
Vertices[VertIndex3] = capVertex2;
UVs[VertIndex1] = UV1;
UVs[VertIndex2] = UV2;
UVs[VertIndex3] = UV3;