so the SplineIndex tells the Forklift to either select a Spline or - if it is -1 - don’t move at all. (the splines are already placed in the map as BP_Spline)
Select a spline if SplineIndex > 0. Otherwise skip the spline. If the SplineIndex is -1 and thus smaller than 0 the Move function does not get executed and the Forklift just stays in place
The Move function just updates the Distance of the Forklift on the Spline and moves it to the next point on the Spline.
The SplineIndex is set to InstanceEditable. So you can choose the index for every Forklift in the map in the DetailsPanel.
You can also select the color for every Forklift
Every Forklift updates its Points every 0,1 seconds. There are normal Points (Vectors) and also LidarPoints.
Usually you would use the normal Points (Vectors) to calculate a distance or something. The LidarPoints get added to the PointCloud in the middle of the map.
So if you press Play, the PointCloud gets updated with a SnapShot from all Forklifts, like this:
This file (Content/Forklift/Data/ForkliftData) can be exported by Rightclick => AssetActions => Export.
So you have 2 options: Use this one PointCloud with all the points which has this format:
and copy data from this file to another text file (extract all points with the same color inside Excel or LibreOffice Calc or Notepad ++ or …)
Or you can use the LidarPoints from every Forklift and use them as a PointCloud and export them as a separate file. (your question, yes, you can do that)
Currently I use the firt method because it was easier to setup and you can seprate the data outside of Unreal if you want to.