Gas Planet Not Good Enough (Status Update)

My personal opinion, not representing Epic etc(Sorry if I being harsh):

, reaction like yours is exactly the reason why this rule does exist.

  1. We **don’t know **which files has sent and how they look.
  2. We do know that Marketplace team asked to tweak files so they BETTER REPRESENT what pack is about.
  3. Marketplace team** did not **rejected this submission, however topic implies that they did.
  4. It’s a common thing to tweak some stuff during submission process and case **is not closed **during this process. It’s an active development with marketplace team.

Let’s pretend I’m submitting my project and Marketplace team said that stuff is good, but could be represented better and pointed out things they did not like and could be improved.
What is my reaction? I update submission and reply back with new content and viola - it’s on Trello/Marketplace.
I could create topic “Good me VS bad Epic” with misleading information based on misunderstanding with content that violating rules.

This is the solution I looked into first. However, when you attempt to report a post this is what we are given:

This post does not fit into those categories so I did not report the post. And instead tried to help the OP by giving him a link to the forum rules.

True man :wink:
I was just venting off because I don’t really like to be micromanaged by others in my choices.
That being said I’ll try to be constructive by replying point to point to your comments (which btw makes sense)

True. The fact that we didn’t get to understand which files were not up to standard from the now removed reply is concerning in my opinion. If the submission values are not PERFECTLY clear this is gonna generate so much mess that QA will be left behind.


False. Technically it’s rejected until OP fixes the files. Otherwise this whole argument has no meaning and the asset would be already on the marketplace.

Very true. What i was venting about was not the fact that it got rejected, but how. I mean, i would not find difficulto to reply with bullet points on how exactly to improve and references.
Heck, they should have a million of already precompiled emails with precise directions if they are going to micromanage everything. The answer from the team sounded, well, let’s just say, too lighthearted :wink:

Absolutely. Point is their reply didn’t really address things with enough information to move forward without losing times on another round of fixes. Which is fine if you have the patience, I usually lose mine to actual clients so this would have me steaming uahahah :slight_smile:

In any case, it’s true that I’m basing my argument over an internal email which i will never know if was posted in its entirety by the OP.
So that leaves me with two choices:

  1. think that the OP was frustrated as i would be because of a rejection comment like that or
  2. OP is clearly not posting all of his information on the matter to shift the blame on Epic, in which case… Ehrm, you know, why making a fuss? Facepalm and public apologies from me to everyone here.

I don’t really know what to believe now.

In any case, micromanaging from Epic would normally mean strict rules, but recent threads have exposed that the said rules are not really that strict or applied on every package.

And well, yes, today it’s a mess here so i’m kinda ****** anyhow so sorry guys :wink:

Hi guys! To reiterate once more, we did not reject this. We like it and we would like to have it on the Marketplace. As I regularly do with our other submissions, I gave him the Marketplace team’s feedback on his presentation. We spend a great deal of time working with submitters on improving their video, screenshots, and submission content to bring it up to quality and to help them look more attractive to customers for voting and ultimately purchasing their content. I’ve worked with many of you in this thread, in fact. In this particular case, our feedback was mistakenly interpreted as a rejection, and it was taken to the forums instead of replying or asking for clarification. , I’m happy to discuss this with you on the Zendesk ticket, which I just replied to again.

true but if anyone makes a post that breaks the rules I would consider it a potentially problematic post so I would say its still ok to report it but if your not sure about something you can also send a PM to one of the mods so we can look into it.

So, , do we have your permission to rename this thread to “[SUBMITTED] - Gas Planet (Status Update)”?

(I’m asking because I don’t want to be seen riding roughshod over you).

What started out as a simple update with anonymous information has really exploded. By the way, this post was meant to be a status update with a transparent explanation so that everyone in the marketplace community could see why they were not going to receive the package.

Who knew you could get into major trouble by posting an explanation (with no personal information revealed) for buyers to know what was going on and why. Oh well, someone somewhere is bound to get angry over something.


Since I am not allowed to post the response nor comment on it, and it has been removed by a moderator, then I can’t really correctly respond or defend my position. When I said [Rejected] - it was meant in that its current state is not acceptable (hopefully I don’t get in trouble for saying this, but I have a need to explain). I was referring to the red tape created and the current status of the package not being acceptable as is. I then went on to describe why I would not re-submit to try and have it accepted at a later time.


I appreciate your response, but out of fear of breaking some rule and getting into further trouble, I will simply say that I am happy to take my business elsewhere. - Best regards -


You may rename it to something else (not submitted). I am withdrawing from the marketplace. Thank you.

Thanks to everyone in support of my work, and definitely keep yours eyes open for a “No Red Tape” and Totally Free F.M. Station coming soon!

MODS - Please close this thread to further discussion (Or remove the post completely if you deem it necessary) Thank you.

As we’ve already said, the appropriate place to discuss your submission is via email. If you are interested in discussing it further, I’ve sent you two emails via Zendesk that haven’t received a response.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re withdrawing your submission. If you change your mind, you’re welcome to resubmit in the future. I’m closing the thread as you’ve requested.