Game Templates In UE4

I might be an oddball but im actually really interested in a sports template - something where you can have a base mountain/skate park, and simple controls to go downhill or push along and jump through a park. I tried working with some basic stuff for using gravity to push a player down the hill but it seems a bit messy and didn’t quite get the result i was looking for, so im mainly just hoping to find some example code to get my brain turning :smiley:

Hello, I do not know if this is a bug or if the character is incomplete, but I know he is like this: (It would work if I place the character in the template of the previous version?)

Good, I need a Rail Shooter template (like starfox 64)… How long would that take to make and how hard it would be?

Incredibly easy for a Starfox 64 type game. The basics could be constructed in under an hour. I can think of a couple different ways of doing it off the top of my head. In both cases, the camera would be the root of your “player” blueprint, and then mesh of your spaceship would move relative the camera, constrained by the dimensions of your screen/play area.

Most obvious method: just animate the player with a Matinee.

Or, you could make a Waypoint blueprint. The player blueprint seeks out the first Waypoint (using Find All Actors of Class), then rotates with Interop to face that waypoint (while still flying forward based on the camera’s normal), and then continues flying until it hits the waypoint. That waypoint would have a variable pointing to the next waypoint, and so on, until you reach the last waypoint in a level. Waypoints could also load and unload portions of your level, if it’s very large.

To make it just a bit more fancy, you could have decision points (like in Starfox 64), where the player might take one path or the other. In this case, you could just have two boxes in the level, arranged such that the player will fly through one or the other depending on whether he’s on the left/right or top/bottom of the screen. Each box, when overlapped by the mesh, sets the next waypoint.

Yep the gun went missing in 4.1, but its back in 4.2!

We need more templates, there should be a RTS one, where the camera and “unit” are controlled seperately, a vehicle template too. All the current templates don’t have a independent camera.

would like to see a template for both 2D and 3D fighting / beat 'em up games in the future

They are on the way :slight_smile:

I really hope so; I’m currently stuck since now I have to learn first making animations / custom characters before doing anything since I don’t have a character which afull set of basic animations like punches/kicks/block etc :frowning:

A kick/punch animation blueprint for sidescrolling would be great. Or a tutorial to make one, so we can learn something :slight_smile:

Are we able to create our own custom templates?

Idk if this helps but a few things come up on that topic in google, this one stood out.

wow, great one) Very interesting and usefull)

Can somebody please remove this spammer 1ahowst
Thanks :slight_smile: