Game crashes when running without editor

Hello . Do you have any update on this issue? I’m sure that the development team is working hard on the issue, but we have a deadline closing in on Thursday and I’m starting to get worried. Thanks!

Hi ,

Unfortunately we do not yet have a solution for this issue. It was assigned a high priority, but I can’t promise that we will be able to get it figured out before Thursday. I will see if I can get a status update for you.

Hi ,

I reproduced (using the latest engine version) the following problem: “Assertion failed: Blueprint->bIsRegeneratingOnLoad || (Blueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass != NULL)”.
The fix for this is to change the code (new version, cl#2230788):

void FBlueprintEditorUtils::GetClassVariableList(const UBlueprint* Blueprint, TArray<FName>& VisibleVariables, bool bIncludePrivateVars) 
	// Existing variables in the parent class and above
	check(!Blueprint->bHasBeenRegenerated || Blueprint->bIsRegeneratingOnLoad || (Blueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass != NULL));
	if (Blueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass != NULL)

If you don’t want to update to the latest version, you can try (it’s hard to say if this would help) to add DefaultEditor.ini file (to Config folder) with the following content:

