[Free/Royalties] Anyone interested in forming a team?

Whats a BR? All Previous Work Counts to include Music… and you will have to contribute more than music to the game’s development if you want to lead and succeed. But if all you want to do is contribute music, then consider creating music for the marketplace.

I reckoned I cannot ask you to show previous work, if I don't.

Here’s Mine.

Even with examples of previous work, it extremely challenging to recruit for Royalty-based projects (I’ve been doing so for 6 years), and the challenge is amplified 10X by the fact most developers are here to develop their own game concepts, not yours (and have their own discords).

I’ve already tried few project but...

Like You, I’ve had similar experience with joining others projects. All have been terminated because they were over ambitious compared to skill levels involved.

ExORION was such a project. In fact, was NOT my original game project (nor HeadlessStudios originally mine). But, I kept them both going solo. I continuously make progress as I continue to increase my skills in learning UnrealEngine Blueprints. Because, I refuse to quit.

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