[FREE] Project Elementus - Custom Third-Person Project w/ Extra Features

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Project Elementus - Custom TPS Template w/ Extra Features

Project Elementus is a third person template that can be used to start projects that will use some new features that come with Unreal Engine 5 as well as powerful existing features like the Gameplay Ability System and others!

Some features:

  1. Gameplay Ability System;
  2. Modular Game Features plugins;
  3. One File per Actor;
  4. World Partition;
  5. Enhanced Input;
  6. Networking/Replication/Multiplayer;
  7. Custom plugins;
  8. Etc.

Both C/C++ (a lot) and Blueprints!

My intention with this development is to help other developers in their projects by providing a starting point with already implemented functionalities. :heart:

I will be posting updates frequently on this forum thread. Please give some feedback and feel invited to test the project and help me with this work. : )


  1. GitHub: lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus (github.com)
  2. ModularFeatures_ExtraActions Plugin: [FREE] ModularFeatures_ExtraActions
  3. A bonus plugin that aren’t in this template: [FREE] AzureSpeech plugin: Text-to-Voice and Voice-to-Text
  4. AMD FSR Adapted Plugin: AMD FSR 1.0 for Unreal Engine 5 - (AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution)
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