I’ve done some troubleshooting for the utility application, and it should hopefully now work. If you’re having issues with it, please try redownloading it. Additionally, make sure you’ve installed the GTK# runtime. You need it!
I’ve released a small bugfix update that fixes some issues with the update process. Thanks to Speechless and Hellfalcon in the Discord chat for helping me troubleshoot!
Spent some time on this again today. For anyone packaging and distributing this project on Windows that has run into the issue where your launcher always requires users to right click and “run as administrator”…
I have found a solution!
First, you need to add a new Application Manifest File to the project in Visual Studio.
Project -> Add New Item -> Application Manifest File
You’ll then change the <requestedExecutionLevel> element to:
<requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />
This will basically force the application to run as an administrator, and anyone running the program without proper authority will now receive the Windows UAC prompt.
Finally, ensure that your project is set to use your newly created app.manifest file by checking the “Application” tab of the project’s properties. There’s a dropdown menu labeled “Manifest”, and you should select the one you just created.
Build the project as usual.
Now, when inside Inno Script, before you compile your distributable exe, you need to make a few changes to the script.
First, add this line to the Setup section:
Finally, you’ll need to add “runascurrentuser” flags to each command in the “Run” section. Mine look like this:
Filename: "msiexec.exe"; Parameters: "/i ""{tmp}\gtk-sharp-2.12.26.msi"" /qn"; Flags: runascurrentuser;
Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: runascurrentuser nowait postinstall skipifsilent
That should do it. Hit compile in Inno Script, and it’ll finish doing it’s thing.
Now when you distribute this .exe to users, they’ll get an initial UAC prompt when first installing the launcher, and then they won’t be asked for admin credentials again and the program won’t just fail to open. Subsequent opens of the launcher program will give another UAC prompt.
I hope that’s helpful!
Superb, thank you! Since I develop on Linux where manifests aren’t used, could you send me the one you generated? There’s no option for it in MonoDevelop, sadly Sending me it here, via PM or as a pull request works - the latter would be best.
I got you, thanks so much!
Hey! This launcher is great.
Can you help me implementing it with the GoogleDrive API so I can use GoogleDrive instead of a normal FTP?
The thing is that GoogleDrive gives you a fast and big storage service.
I’v been searching for a free alternative ( an ftp server ) but everything is either too small, too slow or to expansive.
And GoogleDrive are giving fast 15gb ( which is pretty much enough for indie games ).
I’v been using their service for a long time for storage, sharing, downloading files.
It will be really great to be able to use it in the launcher.
It seems like I need to replace all the FTP functionality with the Google Drive API functionality.
I’v found a nice tutorial about it here:
I have no experience with ftp and networks.
+1, I can’t afford ftp storage as well! Very interested in this
Hi ,
Implementing this as a protocol handler would probably not be very difficult with the new changes to the launcher. However, I would recommend having a look at Amazon S3 buckets, Google Cloud Storage or a VPS server instead of Google Drive. There are data rate limitations when using that, and game can easily crack the 15 GB limit.
However, I’ll look into it. I’m currently in the process of compiling a list of protocols I’d like to support - I’ll add Drive to it.
I was looking at amazon s3 and not at google cloud too.
They both require you to insert your credit card and they will charge you if you someone pass the free limits.
My packed project at the moment is taking about 2.6gb so I don’t need more than 15gb at the moment.
I’m looking forward for the release with the googledrive support.
Have any idea when it will be ready?
No ETA - there’s some stuff I have to sort out with it first. Maybe one-two weeks, but that’s just me guessing. You can check out the GitHub issues for planned protocols and current progress.
Alright thanks! I will be waiting.
It’d be sweet if the launcher could hot load a graphic on the right of the changelog just like the change log is fetched from the server!
Nice idea. I’ll look into it, but it probably won’t be implemented until I unify the UI across platforms. Would have done it already, but finding a C#-compatible web browser widget that works everywhere is an utter pain…
I played around with it a bit Nothing that’s ready for release, though.
On another note, finally fixed the utilities app. It runs like a champ on Windows now.
Hi. I’m using a slightly older version of Launchpad - my somewhat excitable friend submitted the FTP/HTTP patch, if you remember that, so that’s when we split.
We’ve discovered an interesting glitch when running under High Contrast modes - one of our artists has vision troubles.
He’s got an inverted theme, it looks like this.
I think this might be the solution, but I’m not sure.
Oh, hey, you’re on IRC. Which IRC?
I have still not yet been able to even correctly open the launcher in visual studio, which shows a bit of a problem.
It cannot understand the Translations Project, and you told me to delete that but I’m not sure what that pertains.
I’ve moved away from the IRC mostly - I’m always on Discord right now
Unfortunately, I’m unable to help with or support older versions of the launcher. Doing so would increase my workload something fierce, and I’m unable to handle that right now. I have implemented the suggested fix on the master branch, but I’m unable to test it. I don’t own a Windows computer, unfortunately.
Open the project in VS and delete the translations project. It should be no worse than just selecting it and hitting delete.
EDIT: If that doesn’t work, pull the latest master branch and try it again. I restructured some bits of the Windows UI that may fix the issue altogether.
Oh, I wasn’t hoping you could fix the problem, I was just telling you of something we ran into in case you hadn’t run into it yet. I wasn’t sure someone running High Contrast was a common situation.
Well, have them try the latest version on the master branch and see if that works. Accessibility is important to me, don’t want to exclude anyone