[FREE] AzSpeech plugin: Text-to-Speech, Speech-to-Text and more with Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services

Hi, I was testing the text to sound wave and it worked in the editor. However, when I try to package project to quest pro(andoid), the following errors exist.

UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ASTC,DXT,ETC2)):   LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Program Files\Epic Games\t\u\Samples\Oculus\PassthroughSample 4.27 - 3 4.27 - 2\Content\Passthrough\Blueprints\VRPTPawn.uasset: Failed to load '/Script/AzSpeech': Can't find file.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ASTC,DXT,ETC2)):   LogProperty: Error: FStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property 'StructProperty /Game/Passthrough/Blueprints/VRPTPawn.VRPTPawn_C:VisemeReceived_91EB4E564A6A7D8F7E59B88F485D6817:VisemeData'. Unknown structure.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ASTC,DXT,ETC2)):   LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Program Files\Epic Games\t\u\Samples\Oculus\PassthroughSample 4.27 - 3 4.27 - 2\Content\Passthrough\Blueprints\VRPTPawn.uasset: Failed to load '/Script/AzSpeech': Can't find file.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ASTC,DXT,ETC2)):   LogProperty: Error: FStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property 'StructProperty /Game/Passthrough/Blueprints/VRPTPawn.VRPTPawn_C:ExecuteUbergraph_VRPTPawn:K2Node_CustomEvent_VisemeData'. Unknown structure.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ASTC,DXT,ETC2)):   LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Program Files\Epic Games\t\u\Samples\Oculus\PassthroughSample 4.27 - 3 4.27 - 2\Content\Passthrough\Blueprints\VRPTPawn.uasset: Failed to load '/Script/AzSpeech': Can't find file.

I can package it if uninstalled this plugin. I tried the market place version and the up to date version. My unreal version is 4.7.2. Any help would be appreciated

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Hello. Something went worng during compilation for Android device:

LogPlayLevel: [1/2] clang++ MyMobileInterlocutor-armv7.so
LogPlayLevel: Error: ld.lld: error: Plugins/UEAzSpeech/Source/ThirdParty/AzureWrapper/libs/Android/libMicrosoft.CognitiveServices.Speech.core.so is incompatible with armelf_linux_eabi
LogPlayLevel: Error: ld.lld: error: Plugins/UEAzSpeech/Source/ThirdParty/AzureWrapper/libs/Android/libMicrosoft.CognitiveServices.Speech.extension.audio.sys.so is incompatible with armelf_linux_eabi
LogPlayLevel: Error: ld.lld: error: Plugins/UEAzSpeech/Source/ThirdParty/AzureWrapper/libs/Android/libMicrosoft.CognitiveServices.Speech.extension.kws.so is incompatible with armelf_linux_eabi
LogPlayLevel: Error: ld.lld: error: Plugins/UEAzSpeech/Source/ThirdParty/AzureWrapper/libs/Android/libMicrosoft.CognitiveServices.Speech.extension.lu.so is incompatible with armelf_linux_eabi
LogPlayLevel: Error: clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

What is the target architecture of the libs are using for Android ?

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solved by replacing libs in Android/* with libs from Linux/arm32/*

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Hello! : )

Created a project board and new issues:

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problem solved by using the hotfix version

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Hi there,

In a project in 5.1, when trying to add speech-to-text, I have crash immediately when the node is called. The settings are all set, After a bit of research, the error message (SPXERR_FILE_OPEN_FAILED) would point to this:
“keyword model file you is failing as file is not found. Do you provide absolute path to file ?”

I’ve cleared out the phrase and recognition maps, but the same occurs.


error log:
--------- beginning of crash
01-05 15:31:33.569 665 665 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
01-05 15:31:33.569 665 665 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: ‘oculus/hollywood/hollywood:10/QQ3A.200805.001/49068160412800150:user/release-keys’
01-05 15:31:33.569 665 665 F DEBUG : Revision: ‘0’
01-05 15:31:33.569 665 665 F DEBUG : ABI: ‘arm64’
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2023-01-05 15:31:33+0100
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : pid: 30634, tid: 621, name: AzSpeec-t_20873 >>> com.XXX <<<
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : uid: 11039
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'terminating with uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: Exception with an error code: 0x8 (SPXERR_FILE_OPEN_FAILED)
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : [CALL STACK BEGIN]
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG :
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : # 0: 0x7d20caeddc ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : # 1: 0x7d20caea10 ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : # 2: 0x7d20c9e060 diagnostics_log_apply_properties
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : # 3: 0x7d20cccddc ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : # 4: 0x7d20d43720 ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : # 5: 0x7d20d43630 ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : # 6: 0x7d20cd200c ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : # 7: 0x7d20d3f4e0 ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : # 8: 0x7d20d3deb4 ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : # 9: 0x7d20d3dd9c ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : #10: 0x7d20d3cffc ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : #11: 0x7d20d3cf28 ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : #12: 0x7d20c5eaa4 ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : #13: 0x7d20c5e460 recognizer_create_speech_recognizer_from_config
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : #14: 0x7d16186ebc _ZN9Microsoft17CognitiveServices6Speech16SpeechRecognizer10FromConfigENSt6__ndk110shared_ptrINS1_12SpeechConfigEEENS4_INS1_5Audio11AudioConfigEEE
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : #15: 0x7d16185858 _ZN28FAzSpeechRecognitionRunnable21InitializeAzureObjectEv
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : #16: 0x7d16183674 _ZN21FAzSpeechRunnableBase3RunEv
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : #17: 0x7d16183024 _ZN28FAzSpeechRecognitionRunnable3RunEv
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : #18: 0x7d189989b0 _ZN22FRunnableThreadPThread3RunEv
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : #19: 0x7d187f1414 _ZN22FRunnableThreadPThread11_ThreadProcEPv
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : #20: 0x7e0c516c48 ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : #21: 0x7e0c4c3fe8 ???
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG :
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : [CALL STACK END]
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG :
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : ’
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : x0 0000000000000000 x1 000000000000026d x2 0000000000000006 x3 0000007ce08f41e0
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : x4 558b7b5083ecd8d3 x5 558b7b5083ecd8d3 x6 558b7b5083ecd8d3 x7 7fff7f7fffffffff
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : x8 00000000000000f0 x9 568c7c5184edd9d4 x10 0000000000000000 x11 fffffff0fffffbdf
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : x12 0000000000000018 x13 0000000063b6df44 x14 000cc15f4542a000 x15 0000615be8d4b5d2
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : x16 0000007e0c5224a0 x17 0000007e0c505de0 x18 0000007cc9092000 x19 00000000000077aa
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : x20 000000000000026d x21 00000000ffffffff x22 ffffff80ffffffc8 x23 0000007ce08f4430
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : x24 0000007ce08f4310 x25 0000007ce08f4350 x26 0000007ce08f5010 x27 0000007d7bd37018
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : x28 0000007ce08f5018 x29 0000007ce08f4260
01-05 15:31:33.571 665 665 F DEBUG : sp 0000007ce08f41c0 lr 0000007e0c4c2a48 pc 0000007e0c4c2a74

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Hi @BioMedKUL ! : )

Can you check if this error also occurs with “Enable Azure SDK Logs” disabled?

Maybe the plugin is failing to create the log file in Android environments and the failure is occurring because the file does not exist and there is nowhere to write the log.


I am aware of existing problems and trying to find solutions.

Lately I’m having some problems with Android Studio, which has been throwing some errors/exceptions in the IDE, not allowing me to debug the project and causing a certain delay.

I’m trying to fix the development environment (also looking for other alternatives like AGDE ~which also didn’t work well as the AVD threw a lot of exceptions and wouldn’t open ._.) in parallel with the plugin bug fixes.

Unfortunately the instability of the programming tools for Android on my PC has been disturbing a lot, but I hope that solutions appear soon. : )

Last changes


Thank you soo much, that was indeed the problem!
Can’t thank you enough for the plugin, and the responsiveness on the forum!

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AzSpeech v1.3.5

What’s Changed

Full Changelog: Comparing v1.3.4...v1.3.5 ¡ lucoiso/UEAzSpeech ¡ GitHub

AzSpeech v1.3.6

What’s Changed

  • Set Build.cs to link both armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a libs: Target.Architecture is always returning empty string when building for Android. Because of this behavior, UE4.27 was trying to add arm64-v8a libs to armeabi-v7a architecture.
  • Rename armeabi libs folder to armeabi-v7a from armeabi-armv7

Full Changelog: Comparing v1.3.5...v1.3.6 ¡ lucoiso/UEAzSpeech ¡ GitHub

Hello together,
is there any way to get the plugin to run on the Hololens?

I’m currently working on a experimental branch that tries to allow the usage on iOS, Linux, Mac and HoloLens: experimental/MULTI-PLATFORM (github.com)

Maybe soon we’ll support more platforms! :disguised_face:


How could I add a speaking style in text to speech?

Hello ! : )

You can use SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language): Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) overview - Speech service - Azure Cognitive Services | Microsoft Learn

AzSpeech v1.3.7

What’s Changed

  • Fix logging in runnable task
  • Lock the scope in the runnable exit
  • Fix Android lib loading
  • Set the tasks to be registered with the game instance
  • Abort task if has no permission in Android
  • Update SDK to v1.25.0
  • Remove functions related to SDK removed features (Continuous Recognition Enable/Disable)
  • Merge experimental features (Multi-Platform)


Support for other platforms:

Full Changelog: Comparing v1.3.6...v1.3.7 ¡ lucoiso/UEAzSpeech ¡ GitHub

Post Changes


Thank you :slight_smile:

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AzSpeech v1.3.8


  • Add HoloLens to whitelisted platforms (Thanks @dpxyz! :partying_face:)

Full Changelog: Comparing v1.3.7...v1.3.8 ¡ lucoiso/UEAzSpeech ¡ GitHub

Experimental Multi-Platform Support: experimental/MULTI-PLATFORM (github.com)

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AzSpeech v1.3.9

What’s Changed

Full Changelog: Comparing v1.3.8...v1.3.9 ¡ lucoiso/UEAzSpeech ¡ GitHub

Experimental Multi-Platform Support: experimental/MULTI-PLATFORM (github.com)


Some changes have been made in managing the Azure SDK libs, but the plugin behaves differently when installed from the Marketplace and when installed directly into the project folder.

The plugin currently makes a copy of the Azure binaries to the plugin’s Binaries folder using the Engine’s linking system to organize the dependencies in the packaged project, but this copy is not happening when the plugin is installed from the marketplace, so the libraries end up not being loaded in the editor.

I’m making the necessary corrections, but at the moment will be needed to download the plugin via GitHub releases to use without crashes. :face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes:

GitHub Releases


  • Visual Studio 2019 or 2022 w/ the module: Game Development with C++

How to Install

  • Download a .zip of the latest release for your respective Unreal version
  • In your project directory, create a new folder named ‘Plugins’
  • Inside the ‘Plugins’ directory, create a new one named ‘AzSpeech’
  • Unzip the downloaded AzSpeech version content into the Plugins/AzSpeech directory
  • In your project folder, right click the PROJECTNAME.uproject file and select the option: Generate Visual Studio Files
  • Compile and open your project

Issue: Marketplace: Dependencies linkages aren’t occurring (github.com)

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