UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): ERROR: c:\Users\User\Documents\Unreal Projects\MPC_FUNK\Plugins\AppLovin-master\Source\AppLovin\AppLovin.Build.cs(71,17) : error CS1501: No overload for method ‘Add’ accepts 2 arguments
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): ERROR: Unable to compile source files.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): BUILD FAILED
else if(Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android) { PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "Launch" }); string PluginPath = Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(ModuleDirectory, Target.RelativeEnginePath); AdditionalPropertiesForReceipt.Add(new ReceiptProperty("AndroidPlugin", Path.Combine(PluginPath, "AppLovin_APL.xml"))); }
is onesignal working?
google has switched to firebase instead of gcm. i guess.
is the plugin compatible with that?
Check their guide how to setup onesignal with firebase, how to setup a firebase project, generate the key etc. And maybe download the latest jar files.
thank u so much for the reply.
i did all of them. except jar file part.
which jar file you are refering to ?
jar from onesignal´s android plugins?
and by any chance is any of your app using your onesignal plugin ?
is that still working with old GCM based solution?
i have implemented ios version of onesignal into this plugin. dont know where is the code in my HDD. will try to find some time during summer vactaion to add it in your onesignal plaugin
Dear Makis! can you please post a latest version of your plugin sharing . . . i try to make it work with no luck . . . . my error is “couldn’t attach file”
i drop the plugin to project plugins folder and have no problem while compile and make android shipping build with 4.21 engine version, when i pres to make screenshot for share it says that couldn’t attach file, Thank you. . . . . if you can; please share an image with how it works for you with the press of a button . . . . maybe i ask to much but thank you in any ways
Bump, I would love to have Sharing Screenshot working on 4.25, Any idea on how to make the plugin works today?
I have tried to implement it in version 4.25 but it is impossible … is there a way to do it? Thanks in advance