I’ll investigate it and bring the solution to this. Thanks for reporting that. Please, in the meantime, you can set in the plugin Config section that Color Bubbles are not comments and only comment bubbles starting with the proper keyword ( TODO: by default ) will be considered as a task.
I’ve solved that issue and the fix will be in the next release 1.2.1 / next week depending on Epic Games submission process /
[USER=“2608095”]Albert Frontera[/USER] The new update is available on the marketplace. Please let me know if it’s working for you. Thanks.
I would like to thank you for you amazing work on this plugin, I manly use it for blueprint integration.
However i would really appreciate if you could have the search function for blueprint to include all project folder by default.
For example, when i’m trying to implement new systems i always put them into sub-folders to keep stuff organized, and it’s annoying to include every sub-folder to let the plugin find the comment.
Edit: i noticed when deleting the saved and intermediate folders the config goes back to default, is there a way we could have our setting directly in the project folder?
because i always take a backup for my project and i delete the saved and intermediate folders when i do.
I just bougth it . I have a lot of folders to include in explicit search path. Can you add something like search on game/content/example/* and all subfolders ox example folder?
The blueprint function isn’t working at all for me. First time I tried it, 4.22.3 crashed. Now it won’t crash, but no BP Todos ever show up.
[edit] I didn’t add the explicit search paths, now it’s working. I think that should be made more clear.
The crashes persist. Message me if you need a log. It seems like support has been dropped?
I too have the same issue. I am on 4.23 and I can’t get comments to show and am getting crashes when I use the in-level notes.
I did notice this in the Output log:
LogTemp: Warning: customize details - CALLED
LogTemp: Warning: Todo blueprint list refreshed after population