The binary “workaround” is not a solution for V13 (and below) of UWorks. I didn’t know we would reach this point so I didn’t use FUniqueNetIdString. I’m looking into modifying this part for the next version.
That being said, I find both of these solution ugly. It’s already a pain to even create a new, blank subsystem (the module loads subsystems by creating factories which create subsystems which create interfaces… Now we have to take care of hashes and so on… What? And that’s just the tip).
Here’s the relevant code from “OnlineSubsystemUtilsModule.cpp”:
void Init()
FOnlineSubsystemDelegates::OnOnlineSubsystemCreated.AddRaw(this, &FOnlineSubsystemUtils::OnOnlineSubsystemCreated);
void CreateNameHashes()
int32 HashId = 1;
#define CREATE_HASH(MacroName) \
{ \
uint8 Hash = static_cast<uint8>(HashId); \
SubsystemNameToHash.Add(MacroName, Hash); \
HashToSubsystemName.Add(Hash, MacroName); \
HashId++; \
// Shouldn't need these as they are mocking interfaces for existing platforms
ensure(SubsystemNameToHash.Num() == (HashId - 1));
ensure(HashToSubsystemName.Num() == (HashId - 1));
// FUniqueNetIdRepl uses 5 bits to transmit the HashId and 31 is used for OnlineSubsystems not included in this list
check(HashId < 31);
/** If false it will not try to do online PIE at all */
bool bShouldTryOnlinePIE;
/** Delegate set by the engine for notification of external UI operations */
FOnExternalUIChangeDelegate OnExternalUIChangeDelegate;
TMap<FName, FDelegateHandle> ExternalUIDelegateHandles;
/** Delegate binding when new online subsystems are created */
FDelegateHandle OnOnlineSubsystemCreatedDelegateHandle;
/** Mapping of OSS Names to uint8 hashes */
TMap<FName, uint8> SubsystemNameToHash;
TMap<uint8, FName> HashToSubsystemName;
friend FOnlineSubsystemUtilsModule;
As you can notice, the function “CreateNameHashes()” and the variables “SubsystemNameToHash” and “HashToSubsystemName” are still private. If you want to allow plugins to host custom subsystems, as you should, this is where the change needs to happen.
Just add a public function “AddNameHash” instead of that hideous macro.
[USER=“9”]Stephen Ellis[/USER] Would you please take a look at post #24? I have tested this with a custom OnlineSubsystem hosted in a plugin, several times. You can take a look at my product from my subscription and use the exact files from the Marketplace to reproduce. Thanks in advance!
Our engineers have reviewed the issue, and in our tests the functionality is working as expected, so you may have something unique to your case that isn’t covered by our tests. In order for us to investigate this fully, please submit a bug report via Unreal Engine Community. Please be sure to include as much information as possible, including the exact failure, and ideally a test project that reproduces the issue.
In 4.21, even with the changes, when we try to call UniqueID.IsValid() inside of AGameModeBase::PreLogin(), when adding a breakpoint, the uniqueID is always nil. It’s just empty. It then crashes because it says “incompatible_net_id” or something.
// Non empty and hex encoded
uint8 TypeHash = GetTypeHashFromEncoding(EncodingFlags);
if (TypeHash == 0)
// If no type was encoded, assume default
TypeHash = UOnlineEngineInterface::Get()->GetReplicationHashForSubsystem(UOnlineEngineInterface::Get()->GetDefaultOnlineSubsystemName());
FName Type;
bool bValidTypeHash = TypeHash != 0;
Why? My one single question? Just why do you “assume default”? If I have an “OnlineSubsystemStephen” and you can’t find the hash for “Stephen”, why do you just assume “Null” instead? By what logic is that supposed to work for custom subsystems?
Here’s how the “UOnlineEngineInterface::Get()” part works. I don’t see any trace of loading my config’s subsystem anywhere.
UOnlineEngineInterface* UOnlineEngineInterface::Get()
if (!Singleton)
// Proper interface class hard coded here to emphasize the fact that this is not expected to change much, any need to do so should go through the OGS team first
UClass* OnlineEngineInterfaceClass = StaticLoadClass(UOnlineEngineInterface::StaticClass(), NULL, TEXT("/Script/OnlineSubsystemUtils.OnlineEngineInterfaceImpl"), NULL, LOAD_Quiet, NULL);
if (!OnlineEngineInterfaceClass)
// Default to the no op class if necessary
OnlineEngineInterfaceClass = UOnlineEngineInterface::StaticClass();
Singleton = NewObject<UOnlineEngineInterface>(GetTransientPackage(), OnlineEngineInterfaceClass);
return Singleton;
I’m done with investigating this myself. Everything I find points to the fact that the engine can’t read a simple config variable and create its own hash based on that. Hard stuff. You’ll have a new bug report with an empty subsystem in an empty plugin in an empty project with 100% repro success and another mention here.
Found the fix for the hash issue. Instead of adding a hash, given the “fix” implemented by Epic in 4.20.3, we now need to override the following function in FUniqueNetIdUWorks, inherited from FUniqueNetId:
It wasn’t even a pure virtual function. There wasn’t any indication whatsoever to make me check this. I found this mostly by mistake. Really ■■■■■■■ smooth change by the Epic guys.
Sorry it caused you pain. We always have “reasons”. I’ll share this one.
It was a mistake made by an integration engineer moving code from one branch to another and it was the path of least resistance “temporarily” to keep multiple projects working that didn’t have all the code for FUniqueNetId and so were failing to compile “can’t instantiate abstract class”. So it was set non virtual and forgotten about.
Apologies. It was never an intentional design decision. Lots going on around here