That I’m not quite sure about yet. I have the Dungeon Crawler Kit by ■■■■ Overbye. It’s nice and robust, but I wanted something that had rounds and turn based combat, which it doesn’t. He’s also missing things like stores and what not. I was looking for something more pure, like Might & Magic, Wizardry, Bard’s Tale and DCK is more like EOB. I have two grid systems. One uses procedural meshes to draw the lines and works very well, but it’s stuck on a 2d plane and doesn’t use Z. The second DOES work 3d (at least I think it does. I haven’t actually tested it yet. I’m still working on setting up line by trace for angled meshes), but it uses Draw Lines instead. I borked my code, though, so it’s not doing all of my lines.
The goal is to create a grid that is displayed, in the editor, where you can snap walls, floors, doors and fluff to, with a blueprint special that can run event code for actions, such as traps, spinners, forced encounters, et al. The grid system, itself, is modular, so if someone wants to do change tile size, height or line width, they can in the details panel once they drop the grid system in the level. I would prefer that this system use the built in navmesh from the start, but as of now, I’m using a bounds volume for testing.
The goal is to create something similar to the old Bard’s Tale Construction Set, but it’s a modular set up so the GameMode functions as a DungeonMaster (BP_DungeonMaster) and it loads all the relevant modules for each game system. When kiddo wanted to learn how to mod Fortnite, I figured why not just teach him the engine himself, so I took a couple of intro courses to map out ideas for a course outline. That was last year. After I saw the blueprint code system, which is near identical to the workflow for node based materials (thank you, Maya!), I figured, “Hey, I suck at actual coding, but I’ve always been able to read it and I’m a whiz at node-based material functions, so why not try?” and here we are. I’m starting with Bard’s Tale, as I have more experience with it, but since it’s similar to 1st and 2nd Edition AD&D, I would make that my next module to work on. Then, I was going to get snarky and try to make a GURPS module. It’s what I have most familiarity with, as I pretty much worked on BTBuilder since 2009. There were a lot of features that it was missing, which I wanted and the dev went MIA. The longer this holds my interest, the more I’ll get done. I’ve seen a ton of people wanting an old school dungeon crawler, similar to this - myself included- but the devs typically never released their bits, so I figured I’d get a full-on working movement system done first and make sure that doesn’t happen again. No matter what, I’m going to get this controller moving on a grid system, so at the very least, someone else can get the ball rolling on making a dungeon crawler that ISN’T like EOB (There are two on the market. They both function in a similar style, neither of which I want.)