Finally, Parallax Occlusion Mapping!

Displacer Best 0.2 is now available!

Notable additions include:

  • Material Examples - For you to learn from or use in your own projects
  • Distortion Output - For seeing how much each pixel was shifted by in UV space
  • Separate Shadow Raymarcher Iteration Count Inputs - For finer-grained tweaking of look and performance
  • Backface Luminance Input - For cheap simulation of ambient light or shadow stylization
  • Artist-tweakable Soft Shadow Falloff - For a more aesthetically pleasing transition to the faces pointing away from the light
  • Backface Shadow Checks Now Heightmap Aware - Still in development, but makes deep features get dark sooner than the rest
  • And some small bugfixes and performance improvements

Here are the included material examples:

Bonus: Cube Sphere!