Fast Stylized Procedural Sky


To make darker the night you can do few things:

  1. Modify skylight intensity parameter. This param is not changed by my system.
  2. Modify intensity parameter of directional light used as the Moon. This param is not changed by my system.
  3. Change colors of the sky in curves (TimeOfDay folder).
    C_SkyLowerColor and C_SkyUpperColor

If it is not enough for you then something harder:
4. Recapture new darker skylight texture for the night with skylight BP_SceneCapture (new feature, not yet documented) or change skylight to dynamic (it is slower) source type to SLS_CapturedScene.

Fix of the Moon movement is already waiting for review in the unreal marketplace so it should be available very soon :slight_smile:

What’s changed in the update that just came out?

It is a really small update. Moon movement works properly now.

Do u have a runtime demo we can try?

Sure: Demo

@: I just want to say that your pack works very well and I replaced a previous pack I was using with yours. I now have your pack time and weather being updated through my web-service which uses live weather data.

The update is done on the server side and all clients that connect see the change or see the weather … was rather simple to do and your documentation and everything provided worked as expected.

The last image shows your pack in combination with the Community Ocean Plugin. :slight_smile:

It looks nice! Thanks for screenshots and comments, good to know that everything is fine :slight_smile: Do you have any web page about your project? I would like to watch the progress.

I’m still working on a huge update 1.5. Just finished adding “time of day preset system” but I need to do a lot of tests before releasing this feature.

I only have a forum at the moment with not much traffic as I haven’t officially announced the project. I want to get it to a playable state before I announce anything.

Good luck with the update and keep up the awesome work with this plugin. :slight_smile:


A while back I was asking about 2 layer skies. Here is what I meant:

That’s an oldie - Quake 1 :slight_smile:

Is something like that possible (as an option at least) ?

You know Quake 1 sky is not supporting full weather system, changeable time of day. Material in quake is really simple uses two mixed textures that moving in some direction and it is all.
If you need same material as in Quake 1 i can create it for you :slight_smile: but integrating second layer into Fast Stylied Procedular Sky is little more complicated than this.
I have to to care about lighting, parameters of second layer, covering the sun, UV coordinates on sphere, horizon fade ect.

It is possible but it would make my material messy as hell (hard to extend) and noticeably slower.

Anyway I will try to add this functionality as an optional second layer with same parameters base layer :>

I see… I didn’t think of all that stuff… Never mind then.

After all, I checked what I can do:

Now I need to clean up and polish this. The second layer of clouds will be available as optional in the next version.

Oh, looks cool… I wonder how gloomy Quake-like sky will look with this new feature.

I want the moon is on the opposite side of the sun. to make the moon to rise when the sun sets. Eventually the sun and moon are synced. How can I do that? Or any tips?

Then check this :slight_smile:…plJB/giphy.gif

Do you want exactly synced opposite position (then you will see always full moon at night) or just see the movement of the moon on the sky during the night?

Moon movement trajectory depends on this two parameters MoonRotation (starting state) and MoonChangeSpeed (how moon position change during the time).

  1. Set Time of day to midnight : 0:00
  2. Set Moon Rotation to coordinates where the moon should be positioned at midnight. example (X=150.000000 Y=-70.000000, Z=-500.000000)
  3. Set Moon Change Speed(degrees per day), example: (X=0, Y=360, Z = 0)
  4. Tell me if it’s not what you wanted, and you need something more precise :slight_smile:

@ - Quick question on time of day. Is it set as 1100 for 11 am and 1300 for 1 pm … or do you only use the hours?

Thanks for the quick answer.
Honestly, I can’t understand why Moon Speed is a separated option. Moon Speed (and direction) is almost same as Sun Speed when we see them on the earth. Sun/moon day/night movement both are mainly due to the earth’s spin.
What I want is the moon moves like the sun at night. If that’s difficult, the only full moon is acceptable for me. I think the shape of the moon is editable manually.

I modified Update Moon (like the sun, Z -180) and Update Curves a little bit and it works as I want. I still have some replication problems, but I might be able to figure out the reason. Thank you for the good asset.

Time of day is float variable in range <0.00-24.00> and represents hours and minutes. You should be aware that time of day=11.5 represents the 11:30 of real time.

Because it is not how the real world works. One full cycle of the moon around the Earth takes about 27 days - not 24 hours. The system is simplified but allow to achieve a reliable effect.
I will try to explain this precisely in the documentation there is a lot of question about moon movement:)

The moon shading is calculated automatically based on sun position.

Tell me please what kind of replication problems do you have?