FAB Asset missing manifest won't download

I really wish it didn’t force us to download straight into a project to see the Unreal Project files. I wish I could just download the files locally, and add them how I want.

Sometimes I just want to look at what’s in there, and having to have a throwaway project to see the files feels unnecessarily cumbersome.

Platform Compatible Listing:

Log Output

[2025.01.17-22.37.33:066][518]LogPortal: FCommunityPortalOSSImpl::RequestAppManifest 89efe5924d3d467c839449ab6ab52e7f:e20511e6a0d147feb53f7a2005b64482:AnimalsFf74545ae782cV2  22
[2025.01.17-22.37.33:068][518]LogPortal: Display: FCommunityPortalOSSImpl::RequestSignedDownload using FAB service to retrieve manifest info
[2025.01.17-22.37.33:068][518]LogOnline: Verbose: OSS: Starting RequestArtifactManifest request.
[2025.01.17-22.37.33:068][518]LogOnline: VeryVerbose: MCP: Queuing Mcp request for user=b85aa3d10f3744f8a262c8dff8511e77 url=https://www.fab.com/e/artifacts/AnimalsFf74545ae782cV2/manifest
[2025.01.17-22.37.33:082][519]LogOnline: VeryVerbose: MCP: Running Mcp request for user=b85aa3d10f3744f8a262c8dff8511e77 url=https://www.fab.com/e/artifacts/AnimalsFf74545ae782cV2/manifest
[2025.01.17-22.37.33:401][538]LogOnline: Warning: OSS: Invalid response. CorrId=UE4-64ada901461744756f1e2f959c657351-20637B5143187F9A64D1AF89F18A37C7-7FB560BE4F7E68DB06B2BEB9130ED471 code=404 errorcode=JsonErrorUnknownCode errormessage=Server error of type JsonErrorUnknownCode errorraw={"Not Found":"Could not find any manifest download info with artifactId=AnimalsFf74545ae782cV2"}
[2025.01.17-22.37.33:401][538]LogOnlineFAB: Warning: OSS: GetVaultLibrary_HttpRequestComplete - request failed
[2025.01.17-22.37.33:401][538]LogPortal: Error: FCommunityPortalOSSImpl::OnHandleRequestFabManifestComplete failed! 0 0
[2025.01.17-22.37.33:401][538]FCommunityPortalVaultCache: ERROR: Manifest download fail - 89efe5924d3d467c839449ab6ab52e7f:e20511e6a0d147feb53f7a2005b64482:AnimalsFf74545ae782cV2```

This is a big issue for Linux users, because Linux compatibility is more often not set than it is.
But packs that are Meshes/Materials/Blueprint always worked for me in Linux. No matter if Linux compatibility was set. The only thing that might be a Problem is C++ Plugins. They only work when they provide the source, and sometimes some manual fixes are needed.

It might be a better solution to show a Message that the asset might not be compatible, but allow the user to import it anyways.

That makes sense - thanks for sharing your experience. I’ve passed that feedback on to the team.

I’m currently also facing the issue, I tried adding a few assets, but for most of them I got the LogFab: Error: Invalid Manifest then after restarting it switched to LogFab: Error: Invalid pack - either contains a uproject or a uplugin file but then the first error happened again.

How can I add these assets now or what do I need to do?

Also there should be at least an error message in the UI to show that something went wrong.