[Example] Virtual / Analog Cursor in UMG/Slate (Destiny Style)

Works for me guys. Don’t forget you do actually have to call ‘Enable Virtual Cursor’ for it to work.

4.12 Plugin Version

Again for anyone who is looking for the plugin version of this, I made the plugin for you all here:

Currently on 4.12



Unfortunately this no longer seems to work in 4.17, because the Analog Cursor class isn’t ‘Ticking’.

I believe the correct way to handle this now is to override ‘Handle Analog Input Event’ instead, but still working on it.

I too am trying to figure out how to get this to work with 4.17.

Hey, can i use this in a commercial project?

I hope epic will strengthen the main menu function. It’s too troublesome to operate the main menu such as game board. The main menu is almost unified in the industry, but the official does not act :sob:. We also hope to have the destiny2 game board to control the cursor movement function。

ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [1/2] ShadowWave426C.exe
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: Criando biblioteca F:\OneDrive\Projetos\ShadowWave426C 4.27\Binaries\Win64\ShadowWave426C.lib e objeto F:\OneDrive\Projetos\ShadowWave426C 4.27\Binaries\Win64\ShadowWave426C.exp
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: Module.GamepadUMGPlugin.gen.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: s�mbolo externo n�o resolvido, “public: __cdecl FLLMScope::FLLMScope(enum ELLMTag,enum ELLMTagSet,enum ELLMTracker)” (??0FLLMScope@@QEAA@W4ELLMTag@@W4ELLMTagSet@@W4ELLMTracker@@@Z), referenciado na fun��o "public: virtual class UClass * __cdecl TClassCompiledInDefer::Register(void)const " (?Register@?$TClassCompiledInDefer@VUGamepadCursorSettings@@@@UEBAPEAVUClass@@anonymous_user_9674a66c)
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: F:\OneDrive\Projetos\ShadowWave426C 4.27\Binaries\Win64\ShadowWave426C.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 externo n�o resolvidos
UnrealBuildTool.Main: CompilationResultException: Error: OtherCompilationError
UnrealBuildTool.Main: em UnrealBuildTool.ActionGraph.ExecuteActions(BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, List`1 ActionsToExecute) na D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\System\ActionGraph.cs:linha 230

Hi guys! i´m getitin this error when I try to launch or package the game… and I´m not very specialist in C++, any tips on what should I do?
thanks a lot!