Everything Ivy + Hanging Plants Volumes

You’re most welcome! :grinning:

You have certainly found your purpose in creating flora meshes!

While I’m not an “outdoors” person, per se, I have always, always admired different tree species ever since childhood. I love being near nature and I MUST have an open window with many trees to view.

My favorite trees in your collection are the palms and the most recent pack you have released. I am partial to birch and oaks, especially live oaks. https://d3m7xw68ay40x8.cloudfront.net/assets/2010/04/29121219/live-oaks-e1556554353647.jpg

It was hard to say which in your collection are my favorite. I really am impressed with them all! :heart_eyes: As an arbor enthusiast, your wonderful work reminds me of my travels, in which I have seen trees that seem other-worldly - such as a rainbow eucalyptus, jacarandas, and baobabs. Someone with your flair and expertise could totally recreate these trees to be implemented in games, movies, etc. I’m sure of it! :hugs: :deciduous_tree:

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