Erroneous SVN checkout spam on blueprint compile

Hey, sorry for the runaround. I can’t seem to replicate the problem anymore after a diskcheck and reboot. It might have been related to that, I’m not sure.

I just did a conversion of my project from 4.7.6 → 4.9p1 without any problems. Earlier it was 4.8 → 4.9p1.

Glad to hear it was a special case. Please be sure to let me know if it ever comes back and I’ll be happy to help.

I’m receiving this issue again on 4.11.1 with Perforce.

Having same problem on 4.11.1 with Perforce.

Hello James and J2S,

When you both have this issue occur, is it with child blueprints and such as it was with ? Is there any particular workflow you follow that causes this to happen? While the issue does have a bug in for it, the reproduction steps may not be the same in newer versions.

Thank you for reporting this happening again, and . We currently have a bug report in for this issue back from 4.8 which was never technically fixed. The issue kind of disappeared with 4.9 so we assumed that it was gone and there was no way to test if a fix would work when you can’t get the issue to happen. I’ve bumped the report to let people know that it’s occurring again so that it has some attention now.

On another note, even back in 4.8, we never got this issue to reproduce on Perforce so that bug report is only mentioning steps for Subversion at the moment. The hope is that fixing one will fix both, but to be sure, would it be possible for you to provide some reproduction steps on getting this to happen with Perforce?

Just wanted to add I also see this problem again in 4.11.2 with VisualSVN / TortoiseSVN.

Same repro steps from my original submission also with the Parent-Child Blueprints.

It looks like when you have a bunch of Parent-child blueprints, when you compile the parent blueprint it fills the screen with complaints that the related child blueprints need to be checked out…

It either use to automatically check the related files out, or never cared that you didn’t so didn’t give any notifications.

I wanted to add that I am also seeing this using P4 and 4.11.2. It seems to relate to the source control logic believing that I have modified anything that the object I am compiling has a variable reference to. However these objects do not get marked as “dirty” they just throw the source control spam.

Same and on 4.12p3

Same here, also 4.12.3

Same here on SVN, since 4.12 (currently on 4.12.3)

Everyone having this issue, PLEASE upvote it here! Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-17164)

I’m having the same problem too.

Me too. in 4.12.5

Me too. with perforce on 4.12.5

We had this problem as well, I went in and had a look at what was causing it for us. I’ve attached a diff of the change I made to quickly fix it for us, hope it helps. There’s a couple of comments in there describing what caused it.

Diff is for the file: UE4/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Private/UnrealEdSrv.cpp