Epitasis - Colorful Exploration and Puzzle Game

I’m so thrilled with the progress :3 Besides, anything new with the example? :smiley:

Hey all, I’ve started live streaming development of Epitasis on Twitch. Feel free to stop by and say hi over there and give me a follow to help support the project. I’ll be working on puzzles, programming, and tons of other content while streaming.

For example today we worked on debugging some usable actor features and created a simple little puzzle island that ties in with one of the levels in the game:

Hey, I’ll try to get this to you soon. Totally slipped my mind. Feel free to add me on skype if you wanna nag me about it - lucas.govatos :slight_smile:

Hey friends! Past couple months have been pretty crazy, but I’ve managed to create a new teaser trailer and website for Epitasis. Check it out and let me know what you think!

Hi, Higuy, regarding your portal; does it suffer from the one frame lag when rendering the other side of portal onto the surface?

I believe it just renders the side thats currently showing.

I should mention, at least in 4.12.5 (current version I’m on still), using the scene capture nodes can be very taxing on performance. I believe its been improved to some degree in later versions, and I’ll have to upgrade at some point soon to try it out.

Hey dude, I came up with a little blueprint to turn off the scene capture node when not using it if you want. I observed a remarkable performance boost when using it.

I do something like this already, but sure, I’d love to see it to see if theres something I could improve. Thanks!

The Was Recently Rendered node checks if the Portal2 Actor is on screen or was in the last 0.1 seconds, if it was, then the scene capture from portal1 that is used to create the material applied to Portal2 is set to visible and it does its job. If Portal2 is not on screen, Portal1’s scene cap is turned off.

Ah, this is fantastic. I did not realize there was a recently rendered node. This will be quite handy. Thank you!

No worries. Say, do you have much experience with Scene Capture 2D portals like OP has? I have a portal, but when its Scene Cap is capturing the portal it is displaying its scene capture image onto, it bugs out… but only when I used Screen Aligned UV’s in the Material I apply to the portal (created from the Scene Caps render target)

Well I am the OP lol.

I’m not sure what the issue is your having exactly, but I did go through it all on the post on the previous page. Theres also a bunch of people who have explained it in other posts. Feel free to add me on skype (acct in profile) and maybe I can offer some more assistance.

So you are! Haha my bad.
Okay, so if you create a “screen”, with a scene capture pointing at it, then apply what the scene capture sees to the screen, you will get that cascading effect. If you apply a Screen Aligned UVs node inside the material editor to the screens material, it will bug out. Should be easy enough to replicate.

Oh and also set the shading model to unlit so you can actually see the buggy effect instead of whiteout

Again, just add me on skype. From this comment it sounds like your just rendering something recursively but nothing else, which would make sense why its just entirely white and nothing else?

My setup uses two blueprints, a portal and an exit node. The exit node is where it teleports the player and also includes a scene capture pointing away from the portal. The portal is linked to the exit node, grabs the scene capture and applies it to the portals material. Nothing points directly at the portal itself.

I recently wrote a blog post about the origin of Epitasis and what the new year hopefully has in store for the project. If you’re interested, check it out here.

I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday and a happy new year. Cheers! :slight_smile:

Not trying to triple post here, but heres also a recent article / interview I did with Kotaku if you’d like to check it and learn a little bit more about the design process on Epitasis and some of its influences! :slight_smile:

Some recent updates on the project:

I posted a breakdown on how I accomplished my water material and blueprint on my blog:

Had a nice little article on the game over at 80level:

I’ve also begun working with concept artist Ivan Vujovic on a few pieces for the game! Heres a couple pieces:

I’ve also been working on a cool hologram shader, reminiscent of parallax mapping that was on a lot of stuff in Halo 3 and Halo Reach. It’s based off a bit from a recent article over on 80level by another Unreal artist, but has a few tweaks/upgrades:

Overall it’s been a good start to 2017. There’s been a lot more in the works and I hope to share some more cool stuff about the game in the coming months. Thanks for looking :smiley:

Hey guys! I haven’t posted over here in a while but the development of the project is going well. I should have a lot more updates soon as the year progresses, more and more cool stuff coming this way for Epitasis. Mostly just have not found the time to post updates as much as I would like.

As for now, here is some new pictures/wallpapers from the recent change from 4.12 to 4.16, which included the addition of volumetric lighting into the dynamic time of day cycle.

Lastly, here is some gifs of the volumetric lighting in action:

I, too, played halo 1.

no anime girls


Added some fireflies in last night while working on some other FX stuff. Looks cool at night!