Epic Games should pay people for solving problems on this forum because it is dead. Most of the topics are unresolved.

Even though they’ve obtained a steady 5 billion dollar yearly revenue from Fortnite they still just fired 900 people recently.
Not really sure what top dogs up at Epic have planned for Unreal and the company as whole tbh.

They have at least $4,000,000,000 to mess around and improve things. Yet I haven’t heard any news on their current goal when people are clearly speaking about what is needed.

Epic games should hire more full-time problem-solver moderators, tech support or something like that

Epic has this for people who are willing to dish out the $$$ for consultation.
Sadly, I think they will remain that way until they don’t feel like they’re making money off the insane, mind melting complexity of UE.

The issues and problems are there to convince you to dish out money for paid help.

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