Enhanced input Player Speed On Mouse Scroll Wheel

Hey @Touka01! I’ve also implemented the same mechanic in the past :star_struck:

So what you need to do is to create an input action and set it’s value type as Axis 1D (float) like this:

Screenshot 2025-01-10 174223

Then from the Input Mapping Context, bind it to the Mouse Wheel Axis like this:

Screenshot 2025-01-10 174242

Then set up your character blueprint’s Event Graph like this:

In my blueprint code above :point_up: the default value of my variable named “Calibration” is 25. You can set it’s default value along with the min & max values of the clamp node to your liking.

And here’s the result:

Now you can increase the speed by scrolling the mouse wheel up and decrease it by scrolling down!

Hope this helps :innocent:

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