Engine Features Preview 2/11/2015

I love having the symbols! Before I had to maintain a source build for every project but also a version of them to be setup to use the engine for artists & designers, this will make my life a bit better :smiley:

Thank you Epic!

Thanks so much for adding the source directories for Intellisense!!! (F12-Go to Definition/Alt-F12, peek definition) Manually adding them was such a hassle.

These are great additions. Not much longer and it will be UE 5 lol. 4.7 already in just 8 months or so. :slight_smile:

I have to say I’m very thankful for the inclusion of the C++ code (not just headers). and it’s already there in preview7! :smiley:

: this has been mentioned countless times already. after 4.9 it will come 4.10, and so on

I really like the feature and content packs. Good job!

Full source with the installer is a very welcome feature, this will save everyone a lot of time.

Great idea including the source code with the launcher!

[= ;220311]
Fixed Blueprint Cyclic Dependency Issues
New: Full Engine C++ Source Code and Debug Symbols

Thank you! :smiley:

After having tried the new BP editor, I must say I really like it! Great job Epic :slight_smile:

Fixed Blueprint Cyclic Dependency Issues

Hot dang ! :smiley:

[= ;220311]


Hey ,

Can you please tell me which color scheme is this? I would like to use this for C++ projects too as it looks much better for my eyes. :slight_smile:

That’s Visual Dark + installing Visual Assist X. That tool changes the default colors.

That’s Visual Dark + installing Visual Assist X. That tool changes the default colors.

Thanks buddy! :slight_smile: