I am sorry if this is a silly question, I am still learning.
Not at all. You CAN run it line that and connect it up, but in the function details, you can also make it ‘pure’
Thank you, bro
Does it work?
This system only goes in one direction, mind…
Yeah it works perfectly till now.
i have added 2 more spline in tile and switch between lane when player set the input
hey there, i’ve been trying this for weeks now and stumbled across this post… i tried both methods, the first one made it so that the character is stuck on the spline point but cant move at all and the second method, nothing happens at all, the character can move around freely as if the tile isn’t even there. I’m fairly new to the programming side of things as far as UE4 goes… I probably missed something but I have NO idea what.
The tile in the blueprint, is a mesh with a two point spline on it. The spline start and the point on the other side of the tile. Is that what you have?
Yeah, i have the static mesh with a standard cube in it, scaled down to make it thinner (that could be the problem?), with the spline with 2 points (start and end) and the collision box. I’ll post some screenshots of the whole thing (the tile BP and its code, the third person char and its code + function) and possibly a gif of the current behavior.
I have the exact same thing, but i see now that i don’t have the player location variable in the tile but in the thirdpersoncharacter
Yes, it’s all in the tile.
you mean the whole code? So the “event tick” part is also in the tile? I kind of assumed that was done in the character…
Nope, in the tile…
That’s why we have this
Ah… Well… There’s the problem Thanks man, i’ll try and fix that and i’ll let you know if it works
Keep me posted
Okay i have it working now (thanks for that explanation ), it doesnt follow corners though
Does for me, you can put more points to make it a nice curve.
Also, be aware, the player can only move on way along the spline.
Did you get it?