Ending my UE4 subscription... and the reasons why.

Hey princemoonrise, that absolutely should not have happened. I’m working to get it fixed for you and figure out why this occurred. Check your Inbox for a PM.

My apologies for your troubles here,


I’d like to add to OP’s post and also offer my views;

Speaking from my own experiences, during the Beta Answerhub was very useful, and I’d get answers back fairly quickly from the relevant people and it was well looked after and cared for. Once Answerhub went public however, it quickly became very useless and is full of too much content for any reasonably sized team to answer. I personally don’t see the use of it, because you usually get a MUCH faster response on the forums than you do on Answerhub, and often you can yield a discussion on the forums that might even give you a good workaround. Yet for some reason when I come here to post a problem or an issue I’m having, I get told to post it on answerhub only to have it sit there doing nothing adding to a long list of probable duplicates. It’s VERY rare that Answerhub posts get useful responses, most of the responses I’ve had so far are “we haven’t heard anything on this for several days, we’re now marking it as closed or resolved”, which is pretty useless. After that point, I feel like I can’t be bothered to pursue the issue and just hope that it gets fixed further down the line.

Prime example, this thread has been posted on the forums for quite a while, and in the thread are linked answerhub posts that don’t answer the question as well. Several people have asked, still no definitive answer.

In regards to Blueprint corruption, I have had a few issues with it myself that are largely due to the redirectors. Copy + Pasting Blueprints or moving them to different folder locations, or deleting them entirely (and other assets too) leaves you with a very messy folder, sometimes with empty folders appearing in the content browser with no content in them whatsoever. I feel like the Delete and Reference tools need some attention, because they are the culprits that lead to broken projects. I’ve even had situations where I make changes to a blueprint, save and compile it, only to then open the editor again for those changes to be undone (for no reason). I asked about it a few times in a few places and got no response.

All this being said, I respect that it’s still early days and we can’t expect all our questions to have answers immediately, but Answerhub is useless because it overflows too quickly and isn’t linked in well enough with the forums or other places. It’s too separate.

As for the spam, you guys need a UK Moderator :wink: Dibs!

Thanks for the feedback, TheJamsh. We are looking at ways to continually improve our support methods, and this kind of info is valuable to us. I really appreciate it. We truly want answers.unrealengine to be a resource you can trust in to aid in making great games, so we will see what we can do to address some of these issues.
